Getting Used To The Kidnapping...Oh Joy.

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Sammi's POV

We finished dinner and all sat awkwardly in the other living room. Everyone's just staring at me, it's getting creepy. I wonder what they're thinking? Hah, I know what I'm thinking. I need a plan to escape!

That's right escape. I don't care what Seth told me I'm not staying here. I can't, seriously for all I know I'll be sold like a puppy in a pet store.

...speaking about puppies, I wonder what my brothers doing at this moment? Did they even notice I was gone?

'Of course they did Sammi! ' Yoyo told me.

Yoyo's always right. Well if they did notice I wonder if they're looking? Knowing my dad he's probably had the police, fireman, FBI, heck even NASA looking for me!

He's such a protective father. He forced my mom to homeschool me since I was in Pre-school. I had barely started actual school this year, I didn't really have much friends. Well, yeah everyone was my friend, but I never really got close to anyone cause I'm not the easiest person to love, everyone thinks I'm immature and can't handle the real world.

"So, I think we should get to know each other." Nate said smiling.

"Whatever" Seth replied.

"Um, sure. Sammilyn?" Matt asked.

I just shrugged. "Okay, when's your birthday? " Nate asked.

"October 31st" I answered proudly. 'Wait, you're not supposed to be all smiley, be cold!' I reminded myself.

"Oh Halloween cool." he said.

"What's your favorite film?" Matt asked.

" The Corpse Bride" I replied smiling, it's a really good movie. All Tim Burton films are great in my opinion. (A/N I love that movie! One of the best I've ever watched :b )

"Haven't watched it. What's your hobby?" Nate asked.

"Everything really. Mostly walking around in the woods... but I don't think I like woods anymore" I said remembering that I was kidnapped and brought into the woods.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes until Matt spoke up, "Any siblings?"

Suddenly I became outraged. Really? Who are you? You freaking kidnap me don't know anything about me and act like its all okay. "Brother" I replied through gritted teeth.

He must've realized he struck a nerve because he replied with a sorry. Yeah, you better be sorry.

Another awkward silence came. This time no one attempted to break it. Good.

After ten minutes of pure nothing Seth's voice scared me when he spoke up, "What do you like?" he asked. Woah that's the first time I've heard him speak since dinner.

"Not being kidnapped." I said but when I looked at him I decided to change my answer "My guitar and my family." I replied again.

"You play guitar?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied, I do play guitar. Ever since I was little my mom would sing an play guitar to me. Then when I was seven she decided to teach me. I remember when I first started to learn I'd throw tantrums cause I couldn't do it right. Now each time I want to be close to her I play her old guitar.

"Got it" he replied rather determined. Okay then Mr.WhackJob.

"Um, you should get a tour round the house, you know, so you don't get lost. " he said whilst looking at Matt, "show her around" he ordered.

"Alright, follow me." Matt said hopping up from the couch.

I got up too and headed towards the front door. Start from the beginning.

"Okay, so obviously this is the entrance. When you go right there'll be a flight of stairs that lead to the right side of the house," he said pausing so I could understand "it also leads to a living room in the middle." He said walking up the stairs.

"On the left side, it leads to Seth's side of the house. You won't be going there. It also connects to the living room up here." he said waiting for me to catch up to him.

"Now the rooms. This door," he started off gesturing to the first door on the left, "is Nate's bathroom, it connects to his room too, which is the second door."

We turned right at a corridor that was two ways. "Up ahead is my room, right there" he said pointing to the door at the right."

"And this is your room." He said pointing at a large double door. "You've been here before but you came the difficult way. You have a bathroom to your left inside and a door at the right, the door at the right leads to my room. I'll be there if you need me " he said reassuringly.

Now I couldn't take it, really they act like this is my new home. "There's no point!" I blurted out.

"What?" He asked turning back to look at me.

"You heard me! There no point! I'm not gonna care where everything is because I'm going back to my family! I'm not staying here!" I said pounding his chest with my fists.

"I'm sorry, you don't know how much I wish we could just give you back. But it's too late you're ours now. I'm sorry." he said with a sympathetic tone.

"no, you're not sorry. You're heartless" I said with a weak voice, but still harsh.

"I know kidnapping is wrong. If you hate me okay, I get it. But listen to me. Get used to it, it's you're future for now. I'll try to help you as much as I can but you gotta listen to me, obey me, and be by my side. I'm the only one you can trust here. Okay?" He asked.

"You'll help me?" I asked letting a few tears stray.

"Of course I will, just do what I say, okay?" He said wiping a tear for my cheek with his thumb.


Did you like it? Or is it crappy? Let me know :) . Comment Vote Fan PM me. Only if you want to though....

Anywho, how do you think the boys are so far? What do you think her family's doing? Who do you think should play the boys? These are the question I must know O-O

..Ew I just realized how short this is. I'll try to do better sorry D:

-R 'xx

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