Can't Read My Can't Read My No She Can't Read My Poker-Ooh Oreos!

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Sammi's POV

Grounded? Seriously how can I be grounded!? It's so unfair, and he's not even my Dad!

'...Dad, I miss you Dad. I promise I'll go home soon.' I'm not sure if I'm only saying this to make myself believe it, but I know I'll stop at nothing to leave this place.

As I'm thinking this there's a voice in my room. Have I gone mad?

'Always have' Yoyo said.

'Shut up! You know what I mean' ...stupid thought master.

"Samantha!" The voice said louder. "Samantha!" I saw it coming out of a box thing.

"MOTHER OF KETCHUP FLAVORED DUCKS! THERE'S A GHOST TRAPPED IN THE BOX! Go to the light sweet ghost be free!" I yelled to the box while making a cross with my finger.

"Samantha, honey. It's not a ghost. It's me Nate."

Ew, why would the angels want him.

"Press #1 and say something if you can hear this"

Ooh, I love buttons. I pressed the number one and said "something"

"Good, okay so dinners ready you can head down now." He instructed. Pfft, like I'm listening to any of these fools. I'm going on strike! That's right I won't talk, won't move, won't listen,won't eat, ...won't sleep, ....and drink. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

I didn't answer back I just went to my emo corner (the window seat) and stay there till they let me go.

I wrapped my feet closer to my's getting pretty cold, maybe I should get a blanket. NO, you shall not get a blanket, you will stay here until you can leave.

...Oof I need to pee.

*Two very long hours later* (say that in the Spongebob guys voice :3)

Maybe I should go pee now... I mean it's not healthy for my bladder is it?

"You're not doing so good are you Mishta Bladda?"

"I thought so" I got up and sprinted to the potty. NO IM NOT DESCRIBING HOW IT WAS, you creepy people...

"Okay games on corner, just you, and me, the stars, the moonlight. Very romantic if you ask me, but I have the apologize my fair corner. You are not my sort, it's me...not you. But I still want your companionship, therefore I'll sit my bum upon you." I said slowly getting into my old position.

"And the games begin Parte Dos" I said with a sigh. Maybe I should watch T.V to pass time. That's right I can remember full episodes of T.V in my head. Be jealous ladies, be jealous.

After watching about seven episodes of Adventure Time (A/N best show evarrrrr :'3) I got tired. This is harder than I thought.

Just as I was about to yawn the door opened slightly. POKER FACE ON!

"Samantha, you didn't come to dinner...are you alright?" The person asked opening it more.

Can't read my, can't read my, no she can't read my poker face.



"Samantha!?!?!" Nate asked louder


"Are you alright?! Sammi?!" He said getting quite worried. Probably an act. Ew, he's not worthy to call me that!

"Hello? Are you in there" he knocked on my head. It made a funny noise,hehe. AH POKERFACE.

"Um well goodnight sweetheart" he said as he kissed my forehead and left. Ew, kidnapper germs. I quickly wiped my whole face up and listen through the spirit box thing to see if they were talking some crazy shiznits.

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