Meeting The Watcher

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Sammi's POV

When I woke up the first thing I thought of was chocolate pancakes. NOM NOM. However, I ignored that because I have to keep up my fantastic acting.

'You screwed it up last night,Remember!

Yeah yeah shut up! That doesn't count!




I know right! ...wait what? I got sidetracked! I take it back I mean doesn't!

Hah! I'm right! No take-sies back-sies!

Yes take-sies back-sies!

Hysch ! They're coming!

It's not like they can hear us you rumpa anskite ! (Hush and butt face in Swedish)

Whatever now stop talking to me you creeper! '

"Samantha? It's me Nate, how are you?" Nate asked going into my room, sheesh ever heard of matters? Oh yeah I'm kidnapped...

"Listen you have to talk sometime?" He stated but it sounded more of a question.

"You leave me no choice then..." and he walked out of the room.

Woah, he sounded pretty upset. He's probably just on his man period. It's okay bro, just eats some chocolate it'll all be chill.

I sat down thinking about man periods, which I didn't really know what they were...but still. Anyways there was a knock at the door DUN DUN DUNNNN suspenseful! Then the whole house exploded when the door opened.


Haha just kidding it when more like this.

"GOD DAMMIT! YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDIN ME RIGHT?!" I heard Seth yell downstairs. Then there was pounding coming towards the room. O-hem-gee! Depresso Face on!

"Samantha I'm giving you give seconds to stop acting like this" he said clenching his fist and teeth while holding up five fingers.

I shall not submit!


Must resist!

"0" and he ran up to me and pulled me into a standing position, "You worthless piece of shit! Who do you think you are?! Speak when I talk to you, you slut! What's wrong with you are you retarded!" He yelled, only inches away from my face. Memories...

"You're such a fucking freak." then I broke down. All the memories flooded back in. I felt so...useless... I was-AM, A freak. Then I felt anger. I made my coldest glare before pointing my finger in his face,

"Don't you dare ever speak to me like that again. You're a low life. You're just like everyone else. So what if I'm a freak. I don't care care, I'll kill myself first than spend a minute trying to satisfy your ugly, selfish, black heart." Years streamed down my face and I ran out the door faster than you can say 'Shit just got serious' .

I ran down the steps only tripping about three times. I'm pretty proud of my clumsy,freak,worthless ass self. I've never ran down stairs that fast without tripping more than five times. AND I stood up for myself the first time in my life. I couldn't help but smile, It felt good.

I did my 'graceful' descent on the last step and looked at the door. There was a crack. THOSE IDIOTS DIDN'T CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR! YAY

I ran out the door, very quietly might I add. My heart pumping adrenaline throughout my body. The thudding of my feet making the leaves crunch as i ran in only socks throughout the bloody forest.

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