I'm so sorry :( please read

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Hello my majestic muffins. I wanted to say sorry for not updating.

A while ago wattpad wouldn't upload my chapters an I was like "What the purple pegasus man" so I sent them multiple emails telling them my problem and I'd never get anything back. Then I realized I sent them from the wrong email and I literally felt like Dobby and hit myself numerous times

So finally that problem was resolved. But my dear child, during that waiting game of my slow realization...I became super insecure. I spent day re-reading my stories and all I could think was "This is utterly terribly rubbish poo" then i deleted all my ready made next chapters :( and I have this personality that no matter what happens I convince myself the worst things. I convince myself you all hate me and think my writing is pathetic (which I hope you don't you're all the most lovely kind girls I've met) and just negative things like that. It's how I've always been and probably always will be.

Another thing. I'm scared. Scratch that I'm petrified. Yes, petrified. That you guys won't like what I do and give me hate or something. I'm petrified of disappointing you guys. Im terrified of reactions. When I was younger (I'm thirteen i know how much younger can it get, I've been forced too kind of mature and grow up in this life problem) I always wanted to be those type of people that were like 'Oh I like this it's fun it makes me happy ill do it if I feel like it and if I like it I don't care what you or anyone says, but obviously I'm not. I take everything to heart, and what's worse is Im the one who's doing the criticism to myself. I'm still working on myself and I don't know really I'm a bit confused at the moment. Again I apologize you've all been so sweet, the comment the messages the votes THE READS LIKE HOLY BUTT FUDGE OVER 4,000 I am sooooooo grateful you don't even know. Thank you!!! You guys are seriously the most supportive people I've ever had in my life when it comes to things I love doing. And I don't even know you! But I'd like to change that, I'm changing....I'm improving myself so I'd like to connect more with you guys. I'd like you guys to comment what you want to happen next an what you don't like. I just want you guys to be happy, okay? Thank you again it means so much :')

Much love,


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