A/N Please help?

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Hello belles and bros :3 . I was wondering if you guys could help me out with who to play the boys? I have some opinions but you guys are more than welcome.

I'll post the pictures soon because the links wouldn't work...oops

Nate- I was think about having him played by Liam Payne? What do you guys think? Oh the irony! The British accent that Nate has, and Liam being British, yeah well I didn't plan that out. Nate has this whole story... --

Anywho please let me know if any of these guys are good for the part. Thank you.


P.s about the story, I feel really insecure about it .-. So please give me feedback in a message. Let others know about this. Whether you think it's terrible and use it for revenge on someone you dislike >:D . Or hate it with someone who's awesome and want to reward them ;P . Haha well I'm rambling... Gur-Bye I love you!

-The PumkinQueen...one day ill marry jack, one day...

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