Pain Of Payment *serious chapter. Little triggering*

780 30 13

Sammi's POV

I shall find an escape. Pretty stupid huh? You know, my friends in danger and all I do is think to escape. Well I mean escape so I can find her.

Currently I'm trying to go through a vent that I saw. My boobs don't cooperate...

Maybe if I just smoosh 'em flat they'll fit.

*le smoosh*

"NOPE THAT'S NOT GONNA WORK" I thought out loud making a face at the pain in my chest.

"Why can't guys have boobs!!!!" I groaned out in frustration....stupid boobless men =____=

"Haha- erm cause that'd be pretty weird looking...and I'm pretty sure some guys have boobs." I heard someone at the door frame retort. It's a man voice, I wonder if he has boobs?

I turned around with this face ready to see the boob man.



=_____= it's just Seth.


Back up fire truck


The door.

Is open.

Escape. Juliet

DANNNNGIIIITT! I could've left thought the door!

....hold up. Am I seriously crying right now. *feels cheek*

Yes, yes I am.

But why am I crying?

I don't feel sad. I...I don't feel anything. I feel numb.

It wasn't like I was hysterically. The tears were just pouring. Like heavy rain at midnight. Dark. Cold. Never ending.

Oh and wet.

A gentle hand tapped my shoulder.

I looked up to be met by his piercing eyes.

Seth's POV

Did she really think guys should have boobs? Hah, so cute. NO! So stupid! Yes, so stupid! That's what she is!

I put on my signature smirk and waited for her answer. None came.

Instead she looked at me with her pure sky blue eyes. Coated with a blank emotion of tears. The tears seemed to be never ending and spilled down her cheeks. She held a hand up to catch a tear. Not even realizing she had been crying.

My smirk slowly faded. Why is she crying? What happened. Was it cause the man boobs?

I carefully walked towards her. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at me, her once baby blue eyes had turned a grey shade. Almost like a storm cloud.

"Why are you crying?" I asked very softly only she would be able to hear me. She simply looked down, letting the tears fall into her lap. She's probably worn out.

"I'm taking you home" I told her. She needs to rest. She looked up at me, happiness and sock written over her face. What? Oh...she thinks I mean home HOME. Crap.

" I mean, the cabin." I change my answer scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. She sighed, got up with a blank expression and walked slowly out the door. Me following her.

Once we reached the door of the car I told her to get in the back and went into the front seat. I waited there for a bit, then sighed and locked all the doors and ignited the engine. Running a hand through my hair I started out of the driveway.

Sammi's POV

I knew it was too good to be true. I don't even care anymore. Everything will be better if I just don't try.

I give up.

I've fallen into a coma. One of lifeless sleep. Never ending, not even knowing I'd wake up.

I can't go on.

These thoughts continues to run through my mind the whole car ride. I snapped out of it when I realized we were 'home'

The door unlocked and I went inside. Not looking back at all. I went straight into the room that was meant to be mine. Going to the desk I got paper and a marker and wrote 'Dont enter this room' and taped it to the door.

Then I locked it and placed a chair in front of it. I'm building up my walls. Boarding up all the outside. Confiding on myself to be my only companion. Sometimes that's not the best idea.

Hours went by.

I've written a list of what's wrong with me.

1. You ruin lives you come near.

'You ruin everything. First you made your own mother die. As if that wasn't bad enough you had to make your father and brother suffer. Your brother has to have a life with out a mother. Your father had to get someone to teach you at home, that man raped you, now of he gets caught it'll be your fault. You forced your dad to let you go to school, you made people have to deal with your presence. Now Juliet, you made her get hurt, you don't even know if she's safe. Screw up'

2. You're a freak.

'You don't have any friends. No one has ever told you they like you or care. All the kids at school say you're one, obviously it's true if all those people think that. I mean, look at yourself you're so weird and act like a child. Then you turn into an isolated retard.'

3. You're nothing.

'Nobodys even looking for you. They don't care. It's a blessing that you've gone missing. These kidnappers are gonna realize you're nothing and abandon you.'

I looked down. Last one.

4. You're a bloody cutter.

'You find you're enjoyment,love, and comfort in a knife. Says a lot. '

I looked down at the blood all over my thighs and wrists. I promised myself I'd never do it again...but this Is okay right?

'Yup, now keep going. You're not done yet. Finish it off. '

But I feel light headed.

'It doesn't matter do it!'

I shouldn't be doing this again.

'Yes you should! You deserve the pain of payment! Spill the blood for all of those you've hurt!'

I...I can't.

'Pathetic' (Play song if there ->)

It hurts...

It hurts...


My life is worthless.

I closed my eyes. Took a slow breath. And began to repay myself for all my mistakes.

*one hour later*

I stepped out of the shower and applied bandages I found onto my cuts. Then I dressed myself and climbed into bed. It was only 6:00pm and still a bit bright outside but I laid down on my side and stared out the window.

That evening I cried myself to sleep. Bringing back another habit while I could only think.....


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