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Innocence. How deep does ones flow ? How many times have we looked at the river of innocence within us ? How many times have we watched the water run darker than black ? How many of us are truly innocent ?


I fixed the little bow on my Sunday dress that my grandma just sewed for me

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I fixed the little bow on my Sunday dress that my grandma just sewed for me . It was so pretty and fluffy , ooh I can't wait to show all my friends .

I was fixing my hair as I heard a soft knock on my door . I looked up to see my dad standing there in his suit . My daddy always looked good in his suits . I hope I can find a man like daddy one day .

"Can you tie this for me sweet pea ? You're mother went to take the peach cobbler to the church ." He asked fiddling with the tie . I took it apart as I retied it the right way .

"Thanks darling . Now come on , let's roll . We have a long day ahead of us ." My dad smiled as he fixed his blazer a little .

"I know , ugh I don't think I'm ready ." I joked as I grabbed my small purse and phone .

"Well , you can never be to ready in the name of the lord ."

"Yessa Pastor ." I mocked the one of the old ladies . He laughed with me as we made it down the stairs , mom was just coming back in .

"Oh baby look at you , we have to thank grandma for this dress , it's looks absolutely stunning on you !" My mom smiled as she twirled me around . My dad snaked his way out of the kitchen with his coffee cup and his bible .

"Okay my lovely ladies , let us go praise thy name ."

We all grabbed our belongings and headed to the car. My phone dinged as I looked at it real quick .

Adonis 🌚

Yeah , maybe tonight ?

Adonis was a boy I met a few years ago , I've been talking to him for a good 3 years and I like him a lot . I like the tingling feeling in my stomach when I talk to him .

Nah , today is Sunday , which means we all gotta stay at church until HES done .

Adonis 🌚

Aw man , that's fucked up . Monday ? The movies maybe ?

Yeah sure .

"Darling ?" My dad called to me .

"Yes ?" I answered , lifting my head up . I got out of car , seeing that we were at church . The church lawn was quiet and empty . I walked in as the soft humming of the choir filled the sanctuary .

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