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Aphrodites parents ^


After Aphrodite dropped me off at home , I walked straight into my house with horrible intentions .

"Keith hi my baby , how was The Parker's ."

"Good , hey mom where's uncle tony ?"

"Uh , in the den with your father , why ?"

"I wanna talk to him ." I said , feeling something gay was going on back there .

"Oh , well , tell them it's time for dinner ." My mom commented as I quickly walked back there .

I bust the door open as they both jumped , I looked at my uncle with disgust as I felt my fist ball up and all I saw was red .

"You sick motherfucker , I should kill you !" I gritted , grabbing him .

My dad tried to stop me as reached my hand back to punch him as I saw his expression as I calmed down , I heard my mom crying and my dad trying to stop me .

I let him go as he quickly scrounged in the chair .

"You're gonna stay away from Mr Parker , alright ? You're gonna stop seeing him , he has a wife and his daughter saw you two . You will leave him alone ! Understand ?"

"Y-yes . I understand .." he choked out . I let him go and walked up to my room .

I pulled out my phone and called Aphrodite .

"Hello ?"

"Hey Pooh , you good ?"

"Yeah , I'm straight.."

"Did you guys ever talk ?"

"Oh um .. no . He just looked at me with worried eyes and I didn't bother to bring it up ." She sighed .

"Pooh , Do you know who tony is .. ?"

"No ."

"He's my uncle .."

It got silent as I mentally slapped myself for telling her , but it would've been worse if she found out any other way .

"Oh wow .." she mumbled .

"You okay ?"

"Um .. yeah .." she started "I'm gonna .. I'm gonna go to sleep .. night Adonis ." She spoke hanging up . She never calls me by my name .. I must've hurt her or something .. I don't understand why because I didn't know my uncle was gonna fuck on her dad .

I grabbed my keys and a duffel bag . I threw on a hoodie and some joggers .

I walked downstairs and out of the door , not caring for me making noise . I walked down the stone path to my car and got in as I drove off to my workplace .

I parked around back as I grabbed the duffel bag and walked towards the back entrance . I took out the special ID I had made and scanned it getting in the door .

I walked towards the elevator as I went up to the top . I walked down the dirty hallway as I knocked on a door .

"Enter ." A deep voice spoke . I opened the door as I went in and saw him getting top from some broad .

"Whatcha got fa me ?"

"10 ."

"G's ?" He asked in disbelief . I set the bag down .

"See this why you the best , how you make 10 g's in a month ?" He asked pulling out a stack

"Some rich white guy bought the rest of it the other day . He said he was running low and needed something and that I was a life saver ."

"Damn , that's good man . Alright , see you next week ." He dapped me up as I walked out . I quickly walked out to my car as I sat there and pulled out my phone . I stared at her contact as I clicked it and sent the message .

You up ?


Yeah , why ?

I'm tryna slide .

Okay , you can come on .

I put my phone down and pulled away from behind the building . I pulled up to the house as I called her .

"Im coming out now .."

"Okay " I spoke , looking at her door . I hung up as I got a text from Aphrodite .

Pooh 🥵🌸

Sorry if I made it seem like I was mad . I was just shocked and didn't know what to say and I wanna make it up to you .. wya ?

The door closed as I turned off my phone .

"Who was that ?"

"Nobody , how you doing Mrs Parker ?"

Oop- I thought he was with .. giirrrrllllll .

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