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Lets just jump to Sunday .


I slid on my Sunday dress as I heard a small knock on my door . I looked up to see Adonis in the door way .

I softly smiled at him as he walked in .

"Hey pooh ." He greeted , sitting on my bed in his nice suit . I put the last curl in my hair as he watched me .

"You look nice brownie ." I spoke , breaking the silence .

"Thank you pooh ." He smiled , I smiled back as I put my earrings in .

"Ready ?"

"As ready as I'll ever be love ." He spoke , linking arms with me .

We walked downstairs as I watched my moms face become excited when she seen Adonis , she's not even that excited to see me .

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and Adonis a great big hug , while our arms were still linked .

My dad watched with a jealous face as I still remember him getting ass and throat fucked .

"I guess we're all ready to go . Adonis will you and your family be joining us for dinner ?" My mom asked and grabbed her purse .

"Um yes ma'am ." He answered , his hand eased its way down as he grabbed my ass . I smirked to myself as my dad looked at us .

"Watch your hands there young man ."

"I'm not doing anything sir , just here , waiting to leave ." He spoke , wrapping his arm around my shoulder .

" hm , let's go ." He grumbled grabbing his bible and coffee cup . Adonis slapped my ass as I walked to the car . We got in the very back as Adonis smirked at me .

"No." I mouthed to him as he rolled his eyes getting under my dress .

I bit my lip as he circled his tongue around my clit , he kissed my lips repeatedly as I felt his two fingers run inside of me .

I moaned softly as he pulled down the top of my dress exposing one of my tits , I bit my lip as he rubbed my nipples , and quietly slurped my clit .

I bit my lip , as the car stopped , Adonis and I got situated as he got up and walked out of the sanctuary , but before he left he nodded at me to come with him .

I smiled a little and quickly walked over to him .

he pushed me up against the wall , with my arms around his neck as he evaded my guts. he pounded me into the wall as I moaned with each stroke , I heard the piano start as I heard the crowd hush , keith sent three more strokes to my aching pussy before he made me get on my knees . never though id be on my knees in a church bathroom .

he stroked his dick with his hand under my chin , he closed his eyes and loudly groaned busting all over my face , I just got Monica Lewinskied . he groaned as I started licking it from in between my braces . If it wasn't my dad , I'd walk straight out there like this , nut on my face and all . but I somewhat respect my dad , so I won't do that to him .

I wiped my face as I turned to adonis who was still looking at me like he wanted to snatch me up.

"Adonis no ."

"what ?"

"I know that look , it's sunday ."

"so ? you didn't care last sunday ."

"we were in my room . "

"you didn't say we had to be in a room ." he smirked , I rolled my eyes with a smile as I pushed him away from me.

"Let's just ditch , I got that stuff you like ."

I looked at him through the mirror as he came up beside me and held the baggie in my face . i looked at the powdery white substance. I looked back at him as he gently waved it in my face.

No matter how much I loved my daddy,  I loved that feeling even more .

"Pure ?"


I bit my lip as I grabbed his hand and my stuff . we took the back entrance and walked towards my house . when we got there Keith practically ripped my dress off , he laid me down he placed some coke on my stomach .

He made some lines and took a 100 dollar bill and took one whole line . I took a puff of the blunt as I watched Keith get high off his ass. I threw back some pills I had , I laid my head back and let the rushing feeling of a everlasting high take over my body .

DOLCESZN and so it begins , hehehehehhe 😈

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