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I opened my eyes as I looked around and saw I wasn't in my room . Remembering what happened last night , I looked over to see a naked Aphrodite .

Sometimes I think she's the goddess come to life . Her brown skin glows like angel , she has this stride that's goddess like , and the way she just flows makes her one of the most beautiful people inside and out .

I rolled out of her bed as I cleaned up a little . I picked up my clothes and folded them , I pulled my underwear back on and looked through the drawer I had in her house . The floor boards near her room started to creak as I jumped into her closet .

The door opened startling her . She woke up as she grabbed the sheet covering herself up . I could hear everything as I watched it all unfold .

"Where is he Aphrodite ?" I heard the deep voice ask , her dad I guess .

" Who ?"

"That Smith boy ."

"Adonis ? What about him ?"

"He spent the night ?"

"Yes ."

"You know how I feel about that-"

"We didn't do anything . He went into the guest room and stayed there . It won't happen again ."

"You said that the last time-"

"I'm serious daddy . He won't stay over any more ."

There was 10 seconds of silence as i held my breath .

"Hm . Get ready , ya mother wants to give you something , she's leaving in 20 minutes ." He spoke , closing the door .

She sighed as she stood up , just to fall on the ground . She sat up as I poked my head in the room with a smirk on my lips .

She gave me a sharp glare as it turned into a playful smile .

"You must think you that nigga don't you ?"

"I mean , I got you on the ground , why ain't you standing ?"

"Shut the fuck up ." She rolled her eyes . She stood up holding onto her dresser .  She quickly limped to the shower as got ready .

I sat on her bed as she walked out in her little outfit .

I sat on her bed as she walked out in her little outfit

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