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Adonis quickly slid out of me as we got ourselves together . I hopped off the counter and grabbed my mothers card as tried to wipe the sweat off my face .

My dad came in and ran straight up the stairs calling my name . I took a deep breath and stepped out of the kitchen , I walked towards the stairs as I heard him rummaging through some stuff , I was just about to answer him when his phone rang .

"Yes Tony , Yeah you can go ahead and come through baby ." I heard him say , I became confused and started to realize what was going on .

My dad was cheating on my mom , with another man ..

I quickly , yet quietly ran back into the kitchen where Adonis was peeking around the kitchen opening .

"Through the back , go , go !" I whispered , he followed me as I opened the door , we walked through the gate as I saw who I'm guessing is tony greet my dad at the door . He gave my dad a nice long kiss on the lips as I became slightly revolted .

He looked around at the empty and quiet neighborhood as he walked in and closed the door . I slightly threw up in my mouth as I turned to see Adonis with a shocked face .

"Oh pooh , I'm so sorry you had to see that ." He quietly said as I started gagging with tears stinging my eyes , I bend over and threw up in front of the gate . Tears rolled down my face as Donnie held my hair back .

I groaned and rested in my knees for a minute . So many things were running through my mind . He's gay ? Is he bisexual ? How did they meet ? When ? Where ? Who's gonna tell mom ? What's gonna happen when she finds out ?

"Pooh , come on , let's get you cleaned up ." Adonis suggested as he helped me up , I took out my keys and unlocked the door as I told Adonis to wait .

I took off my shoes as I quietly walked up the stairs as I heard groaning , I walked up to his door which was cracked as I peeked through . I seen him toot his ass in the air as the other guy penetrated him .

I backed away from the door careful not to bump anything . I changed my outfit as I went to go check back on them , soon my dad was on his knees getting throat fucked . I became revolted again as I quickly walked back downstairs and out of the door , still not making any noise .

I speed walked past Adonis into my car as I felt my insides become weak . I swallowed the sensation to throw up but not to cry , tears came streaming down my face as I softly sobbed .

Adonis quickly grabbed me as I started to bawl in his arms . How could I not see it .. ? How could I not catch the signs ? Just imagine how my mom is gonna feel .

I wiped my eyes and tossed him the keys and got in the car . I seen my dad come out of the house with a horrified look .

"Go Adonis ! Go now !" I slightly yelled as he quickly pulled out of the drive way , his little lover came out as i felt my phone vibrate in my lap .

I looked down and seen it was my dad . I scoffed as I looked out the window , Adonis quickly looked over and down .

"You okay ? What happened in there ?"

"I don't wanna talk about it .." I mumbled , he looked at me as he stopped at a light , I felt him staring as I kept my gaze out of the window .

So much has happened and it's not even lunch yet .

Oh yes ! My gay side has come to play 😈

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