-Chapter Seven-

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Hello, everybody! This may be a triggering chapter for some of you. Just wanted to let you all know so you can prepare yourself for the sensitive topics that are going to be featured in this chapter.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the lengthy, 4200+ word chapter!


        The (H/c)-haired female ambulated passed the school's main entrance doors, surrounded in an atmosphere of despondency. She kept her gaze locked firmly onto the ground, her hands cupped together in front of her as she avoided all glances and to hide the water developing in her eyes. Thin tears collected in her eye sockets as depressing thoughts tormented her mind- whirling around in her head frantically and increasing the heart-rending sorrow she already felt. All she could think of was the whereabouts of Mark. He hadn't made an appearance at all, and he still wasn't responding to any of her text messages or calls. Usually, it was he who sent her numerous text messages regarding her wellbeing, but now that position seemed to have been taken by (Y/n).

      She found herself feeling more lonely than ever. Without Mark, that spark of hope in her soul began to falter.

      And sure- she did meet a kind, blueberry-haired boy that had an angelic singing voice and an endearing personality, but she speculated that he had been faking his kindness towards her. Everyone who ever showed (Y/n) friendliness or hospitality turned out to the complete opposite later on. Though she liked him, she really did- not in the romantic sense but she liked how nice and respectful he was. Though, she did find him cute... but she couldn't have liked him in that way already, could she? She found him attractive surely, but there was simply no way he'd ever feel that way towards her. Ever.

      (Y/n) dolorously walked a fair distance away behind her classmates as they exited the school, keeping far proximity away from everyone. She used one hand to rub her arm in futile attempt to solace herself. All around her the soft pink Sakura leafs gently flowed from the towering cherry blossom trees. Usually, the soft pink blossoms would've soothed her, how delicately they fluttered down to the Earth's surface- it always calmed her. But now she was too involved in her own depressing thoughts to notice the environment around her.

      She forced herself to move, dragging her feet in front of her and kept glimpsing back every few seconds towards the school, hoping at any moment to catch sight of Mark coming towards her with his award-winning smile broadened widely across his countenance and waving his hand gleefully at her.

      Glancing back for the millionth time that minute, she wasn't viewing to where she was going and inevitably she collided into someone's body. The forceful impact caused her to emit a grunt and stumble over, but a hand wrapped itself around her wrist and prevented her from falling to the ground.

“We're back at old habits again, huh?” a familiar voice asked humorously, chortling softly as they hoisted (Y/n) back onto her feet.

      She meekly looked up and was met with Taro's dark grey eyes staring into hers.

 “T-Taro!” she exclaimed in surprise, a searing hot blush igniting on her face from embarrassment. “I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going.”

“Ah, it's alright. I think it's fate that we keep bumping into each other,” he laughed again, jokingly.

 “Yeah,” she giggled nervously, swallowing down her anxiety. “Um, it-it was great seeing you, but I have to get going..” and with that, you promptly hurried passed Taro and started walking away from him, feeling agitated that if she lingered around Taro, his Tsundere friend would find out.

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