-Chapter Eight-

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       Eventually, after several hours of working and researching, both you and Taro completed the assignment for school. The assignment was different for every pair of students in the class; the task you and Taro had been assigned to was one based around social studies- covering topics about history, geography, and political science. Surprisingly, you maintained to sustain an equable composure and assisted Taro to the best of your ability, though it wasn't much you helped him with, unsurprisingly. The vast majority of the time was a montage of you awkwardly sitting there beside him, replying to his questions in quiet murmured dialogue, examining every thorough detail on your hands and uniform skirt, and only helping him with the fewest of requirements on the assignment. It was a very uncomfortable period of time for you. Some of the questions on the worksheet were a tad bit difficult to you given your rather low grades. Compared to him, you felt so fucking useless and inadequate- utterly brain dead and just an overall worthless, sad excuse of a human being. Why were you even there? What exactly was the reason, to secretly make fun of you? Was he planning to trick you or something? Sabotage you just like everyone else? More than likely. Nobody can be trusted these days.

       With the crippling anxiety tugging perpetually at the fraility of your soul, you just barely managed to push through those hours. Finally, the period concluded and the work was finally finished.

“Ah, finally. Glad we got that done and out of the way.” Taro breathed out and chuckled in a light-hearted way, placing his pencil down onto the wooden surface of the table and looking towards you with a tender smile playing on his lips.

       Just as he extended his tired arms behind him to stretch them out, you scampered onto your feet and repeatedly bowed your head down in a traditionally apologetic manner with your hands intertwined together in front of you. You had to, of course, because what if he was mad? What awful things would he say or do to you because you helped him with nothing on the assignment? You had to apologize before he could call you out on it.

“G-gomen-nasai, Yamada-San. God- I'm really sorry I wasn't such a big help on the assignment,” you spluttered out, embarrassingly, a mortified blush dusted onto the flushed contours of your cheeks. “I-I don't know, I'm just not so good with this type of stuff. I'm really sorry...”

“No, no, it's okay! Really, it's fine. Don't apologize, (Y/n). You really did help me out with the assignment,” Taro responded reassuringly, standing up and appearing in front of you. “I should be the one who's sorry, I'm not one for this type of stuff either. I'm usually working on my assignments independently and I don't really know how to... y'know, work with others.”

“Still, though...” you trailed off in a mumble of words and sidled away from him, standing a few feet away from his bedroom door, “Anyway, I.. should probably get going. It's getting late.”

“Oh, right,” Taro muttered awkwardly and rubbed the base of his neck.

“Thanks for, uh, still coming over. I do appreciate it.”

“It's no problem, I guess,” you replied stoically, and he watched you walk over to his desk.

       You collected your school belongings you brought along and shoved the supplies inside of your backpack, not bothering to acknowledge the black-haired male standing behind you nervously. A reddening blush flared his face, seeping through the pores on his pale cheeks in a vibrant rose hue. He chewed on his lip and pressed the tips of both of his index fingers together. Taro heavily debated to himself in his internal thoughts, contemplating whether or not he should make his next move. If you stayed around for a little while longer, maybe he'd be able to bond much closer to you. Develop their friendly connection into something more affectionately profound and maybe, just maybe, the two of you would be something much closer than friends. Perhaps something romantically involved.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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