Part 6 - miracles happen.

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3rd person pov

The family stands there in shock, not believing the words that just came out of the doctors mouth. I loud beeping came from a small device in the doctor's pocket and he took off running. All of them cried as they took in the fact that benji is dead. Jey couldn't handle it. He couldn't live without benji. They all just stood there, crying, until the doctor returned. "Let me start over, okay? Benjamin Krol was dead. But he's a miracle. I was sent to inform the family and his heart started beating again as I left the operating room. It is something that happens but it is rare, and truly a miracle." The doctor said as jey wrapped his arms around him. Mr. and Mrs. Krol hugged and cried.
"Thank you and all of the doctors so much, for not giving up on him too soon." Jey said into the doctor's ear, sobbing. He eventually let go and sat down in one of the chairs, taking in the emotional roller coaster he just road on. He was terrified of what was to come next.

*time skip to when benji wakes up*

Benji pov

I start to blink open my eyes, bright lights filling in the darkness that was there before. Where was I? There's a loud, monotonous beep that fills the room. Is it a heart monitor? Am I in a hospital? What happened to me? I feel someone holding my hand so I squeeze the hand that's in mine to notify whoever it is that I'm awake. "Benji?!" I hear the familiar voice exclaim. I groan in response, while jey start to cry tears of happiness I assume.
"Baby you're awake," he responds.
"Yeah I'm awa-" I try to say before I was interrupted by lips on mine. It was a passionate kiss. Very loving and careful as they always are with jey.
"I'm sorry I just couldn't wait," He lets out a little giggle. I do the same. A doctor then walks I'm surprised at me being awake. They say some things I'm sure to notify other doctors.
"Benjamin!" One of my doctor's rushes into the room. "We were worried you wouldn't wake up."
"What do you mean 'I wouldn't wake up'?"
"You see, you were in a car accident, and your car was flipped. Your brother is fine, but you, on the other hand, suffered from many, destructive injuries. You broke a couple ribs, and you hit your head so hard it cause one of your brain cells to rupture. We went into fix that and found out you also had a subdural hematoma, or a pool of blood in your brain pretty much. We got it all cleaned up, but there was too much stress on your body; you went into cardiac arrest. Your heart stopped right there on the operating table. We did everything we could but it wouldn't start again. We called T.O.D. and I went to inform your family when I was paged back to the O.R. as your heart restarted on it's own. Throughout the whole procedure, your vital were not as good as we hoped, you were unstable. But after you're heart restarted, they all went back to normal, in fact they went to better than normal, and now you are doing great. I'm happy to inform you that you should be able to recover from everything," the doctor explained. I teared up not even because I died, and came back from the dead, but because I can't imagine what it was like for my family, for Jorge. They thought they lost me. I look up at jey who seemed to being reliving his experience as the doctor explained everything that happened. I squeezed his hand to get his attention.
"I'm alive, okay? There's no need to worry anymore." I say trying to comfort the trembling boy next to me. He smiles down at me as I hear footsteps running down the hall. Assuming it's just doctors, I turn my attention back to jey. But then my parents and other broth run into the room, tears in their eyes. My mom runs to my side and grabs my face in her hands, my dad and brother close behind her.
"We were with Rowy when we got the news you woke up." My dad explained.
"How is he?" I question.
"He's doing good. Only fractured his wrist and got a concussion, but he's already doing better." My mom says. I sigh. "What's wrong sweetie?"
"This is all my fault. If I didn't get mad at those stupid teenagers, we wouldn't be here right now. I sped up next to them and they slammed int-"
"This is not your fault. Don't you dare ever say that." My mom nearly yells at me sternly. Again, I sigh, but eventually let it go. I spend the rest of the day with my family, jeyjey never once let go of my hand. He was always there for me. Whatever I needed, whenever I need it. I didn't know someone would ever love me this much.

So he's alive! I hope you guys liked this chapter & im sorry this book is kinda messy. It's my first one so I'm really trying! Feedback is always appreciated! Love you guys!

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