Part 8 - flashbacks.

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I just realized that I dont paragraph my writing so I'm gonna try to get better at that😂 also this is gonna be a flashback chapter so it'll be like the story of how they met and stuff.

Benjey pov

I woke up on a normal Saturday morning, only a few days after being back home from the hospital. Jey is laying next to me, contently on his phone. I place a gently kiss on his hair which seemed to surprise him as he jumped a little. "Oh you're awake!"

"Yeah" I reply with a giggle. He puts his phone down next to him and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. It still makes me blush. I don't care how many times we kiss, just the feeling on his soft lips on mine sends shivers through my body.

He slowly begins to climb out of bed, but I only tighten my grip around him. He lets out a small sign followed by laughter. "I can't say no to that adorable face now can I?" He says as he boops my nose.

"D-did you just boop my nose?" I question.

"Yeah, I did. And what are you gonna do about it?"

"This." I say as I lean down to kiss him. I swear electricity flows through my veins when we kiss, not to sound cliche or anything. It's just, this feeling, it's unexplainable. I pull away for air and place my forehead against his. We stay like this for a while, just staring, studying each other's faces. I can see jeyjey's faint freckles, his thick eyelashes, his deep brown eyes, his soft lips. I didn't even know someone could be so attractive from up close.

I was about to kiss him again before the door was busted open. "Boys, you need to get u- Oh my goodness! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt!" Jorge's mom apologizes as she slowly backs through the doorway, closing the door.

We both let out a fit of laughter. "We really need to get our own place," Jey says through his laughter. We both quiet down as we take in what he just said. Was he suggesting he wanted to move in together. I mean I totally would "I-I mean not to like uhhhhh rush or uhhhh anything," he adds on quietly.

"Trust me baby, I would go and build us a house right now if I didn't just have brain surgery." I say, trying to lift the uncomfortable tension in the room. He smiles and hugs me tight.

"This is one of the many, many reasons I love you Benjamin." Ahhhh Benjamin. Nobody ever calls me that except Jorge (and only on occasion), and I'm the only one who really calls him Jorge.

(Beginning of flashback) Every time he calls me that it takes me back to the day we first started talking. It was a normal Tuesday, just got back from a hard school day full of exams and a bunch of people who I'll never need in my life.

I'm just laying on my bed, scrolling through tiktok. I normally just quickly scroll, not even paying much attention to anything, but then this cute boy appeared on my screen. I smile at the goofy video of him "cursive dancing" and even thought I think it's a joke, he looks cute as hell doing it.

I click on the small icon of his profile picture and it takes me to his account. I watch a few more of his videos (or like maybe 50) before I decide to follow him. I mean it's not like anything's gonna happen from a simple follow, right?

That's what I think until only 4 minutes later I see that he has followed me back. Oh god what have I done. What if he thinks I'm weird? What if he's straight? All of these bad outcomes flood my mind, my heart is racing. And it doesn't help when I get the same follow notification on Instagram, from the same account name. I quickly follow back and almost immediately receive a message.

It reads, "hey! My name is jorge. I saw that you followed me on tiktok so I followed you back, but you seem pretty cool! Plus we live only five hours away from each otherrr. But like, we should totally be friends🤪❤️"

I have a literally mental break down as I'm trying to type a reply with my shaking fingers. "Yeah, lets be friends! Btw my name is Benjamin, but I normally go by benji."

"Benjamin hm? I love that name"

I can feel my face heating up by the second. "Yours is pretty cute, too😘" I reply with a smile.

"Just like your face😊😍❤️"

Jeyjey's pov (still flashback)

Oh my god I can't believe I just said that. He's probably not even into guys. But I'm over here being my stupid self and flirting to my hearts desire with a random boy I just met through the internet. My heart feels as if it's beating out of my chest. The ding of my phone doesn't help.

"Okay but let's be honest here, you're 100000000000x cuter than me😍😍🥰" was the message that I got from benji. We continue to pretty much flirt for the rest of the night. Eventually, I find out he's bi which is a huge relief. I might actually have a chance with this beautiful boy in the other side of my screen.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't actually posted any of the story for 4 days. I was busy this week but I should probably be able to get some updates in more frequently now. I hope you guys liked this chapter hahahaha. I honestly have like no clue what to write about right now but something will come to me eventually. Okay now, bye!

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