That night

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You already finished university a year sooner than the average because you took extra lessons . You got dinsticted as the best fighter and top student . But you were different, you were hard to approach, you were cold and sensitive. You never moved on . Never had another guy in your life even though it's been almost 4 years . You changed ,now you got a job as a detective in a team at a prestigious police station and you already proved your worth to your colleagues,you earned respect and love from your environment but you never forgot your purpose, never let your guard down not even once . You were determined to catch him . Nothing would stop you.
You had your life now ,you had your own house and car even though you still sleep to your brothers house sometimes . You searched for jungkook every day but you couldn't find him and as you got that he doesn't want to come out you gave up on him . You only know how painful is it to you when you're alone ,when you go to sleep and every memory of him wakes up torturing you all night, when you feel that everything is falling apart ,when your tears cover the pillow and when your sobs make you break ,its like having broken ribs ,none can see it but It hurts every time you breath. His perfume, necklace and letter are the only things that made him feel closer except his photos in your phone and his number that you never deleted ...because you waited for his call every single night ,even thought you knew he wasn't going to call,not even once. You put them in your drawer and every night you opened it and remembered. You were taking depression pills again . But your love was stronger than your hate for him...that is why you never let go.
Your days at work were always intense and interesting. You liked the thrills it gave you everytime you went to a mission .
Tonight you had your day off and decided to go to the city for bubble tea and go for a walk alongside the beach. You brought your bubble tea and walked, after 5 minutes you heard something in an alley ,you looked towards there and you saw a woman on the ground and 2 men fighting you couldn't understand what was happening because all you could hear was groans from the men . You run towards the woman and helped her up you pulled her to the side. Before you could ask her what happened one man fell on you with force . You turn around and he was about to hit you . You quickly responded and fought back after some punches and kicks you had him but then he attached to the woman holding a knife and you just protected her by getting in front of her but you felt nothing just someone hugging you...your eyes widened, the other man..was stabbed instead of quickly turned around and held him. He was wearing a mask but from what you could see he was young . He got stabbed in his shoulder. Without wasting any time you pulled out your gun and shot the attacher at his leg after that you punched him multiple times and handcuffed him . You called your team and the came immediately. The woman was sent to the station for testimony and she confessed that she was just walking when the man attached her and the other man tried to save her and you knew the rest .
Even though you solved the case and arrested the attacker...something didnt felt right the wounded man ran away why would he do that . ''I couldn't even thank him for saving me . I only got a picture that fell from his pocket . My mind was going crazy something was happening and I couldn't understand what . I took my car and went to the location the incident happened in case I find something else . As I was walking in the alley I saw someone searching ...I knew it ..I run towards him ..he was still wearing his mask but I could see that he was surprised to see me again . As I stared at his Face he looked familiar but when I started noticing him i saw that he still had his shoulder untreated'' .
U:hey..your shoulder..let me take you to the hospital .
The man:no it's ok I'll go alone
U: no I'll get you there i caused you to get this , i was too careless. And believe me it has never happend again . I dont know what happend to me , but anyways thank you for saving me.
The man : its ok
He started walking away fast ..I could see that something was wrong but I can't blame him...he must schoked . Ooh I even forgot to give him his picture ...but the more i look it i feel its familiar the place in there ..I can't recall from where I know it.
...oh can't be ..the body sculpting ..the uneasy eyes and the voice ...were all matching but I must be crazy it just my jungkook is not here
Days later
I could feel I was being watched but every time I looked behind me I saw nothing I ignored it .I was going to the pharmacy to get my pills ..when I got out they fell of my hands and the box reached the roadside. When I took them I felt someone staring at me so I quickly looked up ...but nothing.. I just went to the station and came back at 12.30 at night . I went upstairs to get undressed but when I took of my shirt I noticed the picture from that guy was moved from my desk to my bed ,and the drawer with jungkook things was open . That's when I realised..someone is in my house ..i wasn't crazy I grabbed my gun and looked around but nothing I went towards the bathroom and the I felt a strong grip from behind ,before i turn around someone grabbed my upper body and took my gun ..i was left with my hands only to fight .but when I throwed the fist punch he lifted me up by the ribs and trowed me to the bed was dark and I couldn't see anything but then I froze when I heard...
''Its me chae ,its me ''

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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