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JoJo Hi 👋
Baby Cakes
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Me lol Zach
JoJo Woah looks like Zach and Soph are going somewhere...
Me no ☹️
I groaned, throwing my phone down to the pillow next to me. It was 8:30 in a Saturday morning, I was not dealing with that.
"Sophie, breakfast is ready." My five year old brother George yelled, running into my room.
"George, there is a thing called knocking." I pulled the covers up over my head. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep, I wasn't even hungry.
"Come on, it's waffles." I heard his voice disappear out of my room followed by his footsteps running down the the stairs.
"Any plans today?" My mom asked, passing me the bottle of syrup.
"Yeah, we're all going to Jack's to watch movies." I poured a generous amount on my waffles.
"Is Jonah gonna be there?" George teased causing me to push his plate away from him, "hey!" he yelled trying to reach across the table and grab it.
"Knock it off!" Mom yelled grabbing the plate from my grasp and giving it back to George.
"Tell him to not be annoying."
"He's your brother, of course he's going to be annoying. Family is family and they ar-"
"Are going to be the only people there for you your whole life, yeah I know." I cut her off.
"Don't be rude or you're not going anywhere."
"Sorry." I took a bite from my plate of food.
"So where is Christina, you guys have spent every weekend together since I can remember, are you guys still friends?"
"Why wouldn't we be friends?" I never understood why she asked me this every time I didn't spend every single second with my friends.
"Just wondering."
"She went to the movies last night with Corbyn."
"Who's that?" George asked, syrup dripping from his mouth.
"None is your business."
"Okay, so I'm thinking Star Wars." Jack pulled a whole Star Wars box set off the top shelf in his living room.
"I don't really like Star Wars." I sighed.
"Yeah well your opinion on this subject doesn't matter, so..." Jack popped the first Star Wars movie into his play station.
"Why do you hate me?" I questioned, sitting down next to Jonah.
"Because you suck."
"You know how the winter dance is next week?" Jonah leaned close, talking quietly so only I could hear his voice. I shook my head yes, trying not to act like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. "do you want to go with me?"