Chapter 8

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I resume school today and let's just say...
I was really enjoying my Staycation...
May was alright and the doctor said she shouldn't engage in something too stressful but she Was permitted to go to school...
   May and I got dropped off at school and as we made our way into the main hall we got a lot of greetings from people...
I suppose they heard about what happened...
"Hey May welcome back! "
"Hey welcome! "
"I hope your alright "
"Hey"....It was kinda weird... She's now kinda popular cause of an accident...
After escorting May to her History class I went over to Literature class and walked over to the seat that had my name on it... Isn't it kinda weird that they do that???
"Hey! "
"Hey Bianca"
"How's May doing? "
"She's alright, she's in History class right now"
"She has gotten really popular over the last few days... Just hope she doesn't ditch us one day to hang out with the cool kids.. " she chuckles
"Nah! May wouldn't do that... We're practically like sisters... She wouldn't ditch me for those lazy ass bitches" our teacher comes in and starts his teaching...
After few classes it was time for lunch... Bianca and I head over to May's class so we could go to the Cafeteria together...
When we reach her class we see her talking to some random chicks that look like they just escaped from a Barbie doll commercial.
"That's Megan Claude and her group of barbie dolls" I stand corrected
"Megan Claude???"
"She's this school's Regina George... Long story short... She's a Bitch" I chuckle... Never really heard Bianca swear before
"So... Why is she talking to May??? "
"I'm sure she found out that she's becoming the talk of school and taking her spot light so she's trying to win her over to her Barbie collection... She does that a lot"
"Hmm... May wouldn't stoop so low"
"I hope not.  You better warn her before it happens " We walk over to May and tap her on her shoulder
"Oh hey guys! " she turns and hug us...  May is so cute and a little bit too nice
"Hey May! How're you feeling now" Bianca asks her and she shrugs
"I'm okay... "
"Ehem!" Megan clears her throat behind May to get her attention, flinging her fake blonde hair to the side. What? I may not know fashion but I know extensions when I see one
"Oh!  Sorry... Guys this is Megan,  Khloe,  Stacey and Lily" I wave at them and they totally ignore me
"Bianca" Megan pouts
"Megan" Bianca stresses her name making it sound like a kinda fart... Ha!
"I see you've gained weight" Megan says to Bianca
"And I can see that you still haven't grown hair... Bald eagle" Megans mouth go agape and I can't hold my laughter again... I chuckle out loud
"Oh and if it isn't Plumky... " I turn around looking for who she's talking to
"Who me? "
"No the fat ass that looks exactly like you you dumbass" Khloe says and they all laugh
"Hey don't talk to my friends like that! " May yells in her cute tiny little voice
"Friends? You call these friends??? Sweetie if you wanna join us you gotta upgrade a little and dump this sorry asses you call friends"
Megan eyes us from head to toe...
"Even the uniform makes you look fat" Megan chuckles and snap her finger making her Dolls walk away with her...
Ayayai she doesn't know who she's messing with... Barbie bitch...
We're now in the cafeteria... I decided to pack lunch from the house after I found out that the cafeteria lady doesn't wear a hairnet... With a bush like that on her head.
I brought a turkey ham sandwich and a chocolate milk shake....
     After eating I head over to my next class... Algebra... The worst class ever. And that's the only class Bianca and I don't have together.
I walk into class and take a seat...
As the teacher starts teaching.
Few minutes later Tyler walks in... With his bag on his right shoulder...
"Tyler... Your late"
"Sorry sir,  I was helping Mrs Claudia with some things at the Library... I promise it won't happen again... " His thick British accent flows out of his mouth totally throwing me off my feet. The teacher nods in response and Tyler walks up to the seat beside me that apparently has his name on it.
"Hello " he says with a boyish smile... His nature green eyes boring into mine... This can't be happening...
"Hi" I answer without looking at him directly
"How is your friend... Uhm.. What's her name again? "
"Yeah her"
"She's okay"
"Okay... Maybe you could introduce me to her later in the day"
"Sure thing"...
The teacher continues his teaching and I swear I don't understand none of this shit. I turn to Tyler who is looking so focused
"Do you understand Algebra? " I ask him feeling kinda stupid cause this school only allows A+ brains and I'm more of a B+ kinda person
"Yeah... Need help? "
"Yes actually, a lot" he chuckles in response
"Library after school" is all he says and goes back to his book... I think I just got myself a tutor...
After classes for the day I head over to May's class to tell her that she should go home without me
"Hey May! Hey Bi"
"Hey" they both say in unison
"Uhmm... May I won't be going home with you today... "
"Why? "
"I needed help in Algebra and I got someone to help me so I'm meeting the person after school at the Library " Making sure I didn't say anything like 'he's in my sentence cause they would Freeeeaakkk
"Who is it!?" Bianca asks me
"Huh? "
"The person your meeting up with? Who is it??? "
"uh... Just some random guy I saw in class" they just stared at me like I said the weirdest thing...
"Spill" May says.  Darn it! She catches me everytime... I need to learn how to be a better liar
"Fine! I was having problems understanding Algebra and Tyler was in my class and he told me to meet him at the Library after school " their mouths are wide open...  This is what I was avoiding
"Whatttt!!! " they both yell at the same time... Girls. I face palm myself In my mind and shake my head
"He's just helping me that's all"
"Tyler never says up to two words to anyone...except his best friend Mac of course. And here you are exchanging words with him and now you guys are meeting up at the Library one of the most quiet places ever! " Yeah thanks for clearing that out for me Bianca now I gotta cancel. Smartass
"I could call and cancel if you want" May smacks the back of my head
"Ow! "
"are you nuts!!! Why would you cancel?? " I rub the back of my head an shrug
"Don't worry you can go. Just make sure your back early... You know that you shouldn't be left alone cause of you know who" I nod in response
"I'll be fine don't worry"
"Okay then... Bye"They both hug me and walk away... And I head over to the Library...
I walk in and Tyler is already seated with a textbook in front of him
Hey guys!
Sorry for the late update...
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Bye for now 😘

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