Chapter 29

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                                 Tyler's POV
      I left the hospital at exactly 5:30, heading straight to my house i notice a lot of missed calls from my dad, looks like the school had called him already, i began to warm up courage to talk to my Dad when i get home, cause he can be pretty aggressive sometimes.
      Getting close the gate i horn and the gate   opens up and I'm welcomed by a particular car and a frown appears on my face as anger swells up inside me...
      I put off the ignition after parking my car and lock up, heading straight to the front door i walk in, being welcomed by the faces of two people I'm really not in the mood for this evening

"Where the fuck have you been!" My dad yells, unlike other fathers my dad uses the 'F word' when he's angry

"I got a call from the school, this is the second time Tyler! what has gotten into you! why do you keep acting so barbaric! what is wrong with you for fucks sake! This isn't how you were brought up, you almost killed that child-"

"-He deserves it" i said under my breath

"- what did you just say"  My dad says walking up to me and knocking me down with a slap

"Thompson!" My mom yells running up to me, trying to check if I'm okay, i notice blood dripping from my nose to the white tiles

"Oh my God! you're bleeding! Thompson he's fucking bleeding! what is wrong with you!" i push her off me

" Since when do you care about what happens to me! You didn't care 12 years ago when you left us so why would you care now" i notice her eyes become glassy as she kneels in front of me with her hands knitted together on her lap

"When are you gonna forgive me? I've apologized countless number of times" I look at her straight in the eye with no emotions whatsoever

"Die" i say and stand up leaving her on her knees on the floor

"Go upstairs, pack your bags and everything you need, we are going to England tomorrow" he says walking upstairs

"-No" i say lightly with my head bent low

"What did you say?" he says turning around to look at me with death glares, his look alone can make your hair stand but i didn't flinch, i looked at him straight in the eyes

"I am not going to England"

"You've grown wings right" he walks down stairs and another slap comes to my face, making me stumble back, but i don't fall this time, he hits me again, harder this time and i hear my mother scream, just then a blow lands on my stomach and i crouch, holding my stomach and coughing, with blood coming out of my mouth...

"Stop iiitt!!!" She yells running up to him, i see her hitting his chest but he pushes her away, making her fall to the ground, anger boils inside me and i stand up and land a punch on my dads face, making him stumble a little, he cleans the side of his lip and... Blood...

"You little twat!" he runs up to hit me and i yell

"Hit me! do it! I'll report to social services! I'll report to the police and you'll be arrested! you'll go to prison! for every fucking scar you've given me! You deserve to die, if i can't do that then ill at least be the one to send you to prison"

"Now you're send treats" he punches me again,
  "mom run! call 911, hide in my room, do this and ill forgive you" my dad looks at her as she tries to stand up and run he tries to go after her but i i set my leg and he trips and fall on his face

"Lock the door!" i hear the sound of my door and my dad tries to Stand up, i grab his legs tight then he began to kick my face, over n over but I don't budge

"You little!-" he hits n everything goes black...

Lord keep my mom ...

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