Chapter 28

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Sophia's POV

        Was it a bad idea? Telling him all that? What if he does something stupid?
Fuck! Fuck! fuckkk! This is bad, he has been gone for almost an hour now, Sophia what have u done?
The nurse walks in to check up on me and I ask if my phone was around here she nods and hands it over.

           I dial Tylers number and it goes straight to voice mail, my heart shifting to my throat, I try his number again and it goes to voice mail, I try his number one more time and he picks up


"Sophia? Sorry I was driving, I just arrived at the hospital I'll be with you in few minutes, any problem?"

"No..." he sighs

"You sure?" You sound weird, is there something u need? are u not comfortable where you are? I could ask them to take u to another room-"

"-sign here sir" I hear a voice say, meaning he was by the receptionist

"I'm fine..." I say

"Do you want us to keep talking till I reach your room or...?"

"No I can wait"

"Cool... I'm close, I'll be there in 5, 4, 3, 2- "The door bursts open revealing Tyler in a grey hoodie and navy blue shorts, he had leathers in his hands "-1" he ends with a smile and I smile back feeling at ease

"I got you some stuff, I'm sure the food they give you here is pretty awful, cause I've tasted it and urgh was I disgusted" he sits beside me and began 'to offload the leather he had in his hand, bringing out two boxes of pizza and two four cans of soda

"Bonne' appétit" I laugh at his fake French accent and he laughs too

"Never mix British with French again, it sounds completely awful" I say and we both laugh, he hands me the leather so I go through it and find a lotta sweet treats in there including...

"Oh my Godddd"

"What's wrong? You don't like them? I can get rid of it if you want" he says and I hug him

"You got me Kitkat chocolate, I thought they were out of market... this is literally my favorite chocolate, followed by skittles..."

"May told me they were your favorite so I set out to look for the, that's part of the reasons why I took long"

"Thank you so much..."

"You're welcome love" I smile at the new nickname and keep my chocolate aside as I open the box of pizza, the smell of mushroom and pepperoni fill my nostrils as I began to drool, my favorite yet weird combo

"May said they were your favorite, weird combo though"

"I love it, it tastes so good, you should try it" he smiles and hands me a can of soda and that's when I notice it, blood marks on his fist with injuries, I grab his hand instantly to scan his fist and he restrains them

"What Happened?"

"It's no biggie, your safe" is all he says's to make my eyes cloudy and glassy

"Tyler... what did you do?"

"Don't worry about me, just know that no one will ever hurt you again, as long as I'm with you you're safe, I promise" he says with a sincere smile, he takes a slice of pizza out of the box and bring it up to my mouth to eat and I smile, opening my mouth to take a bite,

"Oh lord this is heaven" I say with a moan, closing my eye's as I began to savor the taste

"Pop's makes one of the best pizza's I've ever tasted" Tyler says and I nod, taking another from the pizza in his hands, then he turns the rest of the pizza into his mouth, stuffing his face as he finds it hard to chew I began to laugh, Tyler get's a call which he answers immediately

"What's up?"

"Okay... I'll come get you just gimme a sec"

"Alright, okay... I'm coming" he cuts the calla and stands up

"I'll be right back, I need to get something"

"Alright, don't take too long" I say and he smiles

"I won't" he walks out and within 20 minutes he comes back with guests, May, Mac, Bianca and Vee

"Oh my God thank God you're alright!" Bianca says rushing to hug me, I hug her back then the hug ends then she looks at me with a frown smacking me behind the head

"Owww!! What the fuck was that for" I say and they all arch their brow at me, including Tyler

"Okay fine I deserved that"

"You deserve a lot more babe! But you's in the hospital so we can't do shit, what the fuck were you thinking babe! You got us all worried, May even stopped eating and talking because of you" she says and I start feeling real bad, I look at May and I notice her eye's are glassy and mine become glassy too as I look at my friend who looks like she hasn't slept for days....

"I think we should give them some alone time" Vee says ant they all walk out leaving May and I just staring at each other

"You- you scared me-e" she tries to say but her voice cracks and she bursts into complete tears, I open my arms and she walks up to me on my bed and I cuddle her to my chest

"I thought I lost you" she says within tears and i rub her hair....

"I'll always be here May"

"what were you thinking? What if you died? Why didn't you just talk to me, we would've reported him to the principal or something not you going into self harm, I'm hurt Sophia"

"I'm sorry..."

"promise never to do that again" I nod

"so how've you been?" she says sitting up and wiping her face

"I've been alright Tyler has really been taking care of me"

"I know, you should've seen what he did to Toby earlier today" the mark on his fist...

"what did he do?"

"he beat him up real bad, to the point of unconsciousness, all for you... people are saying he was gonna get expelled again, also heard that they called his dad and his dad told Tyler that he was moving"

"Moving to were?"

"Back to England..." she says and I go numb, suddenly they walk back in and my eye's meet with Tyler's and they go glassy, May stands up and walk out with the others, leaving Tyler and I with each other

"Were you gonna tell me?" I ask

"Tell you what?"

"That your dad was taking you back to England..."


"May told me..."

"I was gonna tell you but-"

"-but what Tyler! You just wanted to leave me like every other person"

"I'm not leaving"

"not exactly what your dad said"

"I'm turning 18 next week, I have the right to my savings, and it's a lotta money, meant for my college tuition but I've never really wanted to go to college so I'm gonna start up a business I've been thinking of starting since i was 12, me going to college has always been my dads dream, not mine, he wanted me to take over his business, take his name, but I wanna make my own name, I wanna be known as Tyler not the rich mans son I'm gonna get my own place out of the money, I have a car already and all I need right now is for you to be alright"

"How sure are you about all this, do you really think it's gonna work out?"

"yes, it has to"

"I don't want to lose you"

"you won't..."


"I promise" I hug him from his waist and he kisses my forehead and hug me back

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