A letter to move along the plot line of this pretty-much abandoned book.

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3rd Person POV:
It had been about 3 weeks since the incidents involving a severe F in the chat for Brock. The ones that betrayed are still angry and the betrayed are heartbroken. So this was not the best of days for any news to come in. Obviously.

Ash was sitting with Lillie, hand in hand. They had grown to be very close, and they just held hands to feel secure. It is not like there is some sort of secret love between them if that is what you are trying to imply!

Anyways, they were just sitting there. Kukui was running back after a supply run and brought a letter up to the heroes.

Ash's POV:

"What the he'll has a letter got to do with us?!"

"Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable

Walking down this endless highway
With nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test

From the earth, the land
The sea and sky
They can never win, but they sure can try

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Oh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable
From the stars and the ancient past
They come to play, but they'll never last

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm unbeatable
(Advanced Battle!)

Ohh oh-oh-oh oh-oh
I'm undefeatable

Oh oh oh
(Advanced Battle!)
I'm unbeatable

Kukui was still out of breath; but after a few seconds, he responded. "It was signed to you from Charles Goodshow and Lance."

"Well, that is a start. I'll open it up."

I then grabbed the letter out of his hands and opened it, it read:

Dear Ash,
   We know that you ran off to Esta Esta for a recovery and training, but we will have to cancel that for you. We are making a champions tournament. You and your friends are invited to it due to you being the best runner-up in the most tournaments. We know you'll do well.


Charles and Lance.

P.S. We also added those little traitors of yours for revenge. Chao!

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