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She put her head in her hands. She couldn't believe him.

She'd really been so silly as to think that they would get married and live happily ever after. Then after he left her, after it was all done, she'd assumed that he would just let her be. She gritted her teeth bitterly. Foolish.

Her eyes were red, and it was completely obvious that she'd been crying. She didn't bother trying to hide it when she went into work the next day, shutting herself in her office before anyone could talk to her. She caught Blaise shooting her concerned looks, and she promptly flipped him off. He grinned weakly and continued on his way through the floor.


Hermione turned. Harry leaned against the doorframe of her office awkwardly. Blaise had told him to check on her. "Are you okay?"

Hermione's eyes flicked up to his for a moment, but she said nothing. Harry pressed on, "Blaise said you looked a little rough, I just wanted to check in-"

Hermione hummed, rearranging papers on her desk, then gave a little laugh that turned into a sob. She put her head in her hands and shook quietly. Harry hovered awkwardly, not sure what to do. Hermione was usually the one who helped him sort through his feelings, not the other way around, but he was hopeful that he could be of some help to her. After all, they were best friends.

She spoke, head still in her hands. "I just... I just thought we were the endgame, Harry. I thought that it was just the two of us, together. I thought he was happy."

"'Mione," Harry said softly. Memories ran through his mind of the day she'd Apparated into his kitchen, crying her heart out. Her choked sobs as she informed him through stuttering breaths that Ron had left her for another woman, that he'd cheated on her. The rage he'd felt that Ron would do something like that to anyone, but especially to Hermione, Hermione, whom they'd known for eleven years, and in spite of their bond, willingly broke her. And he'd promised himself that he'd do anything to prevent seeing her like that ever again, because that's what friends were for. "I-"

She laughed, frustration leaking into her tone. "He wants our house back. I'm- I have to leave, I don't own it, legally. Katy wants to live there. And I- ugh."

"He's kicking you out?" 

Hermione nodded at his shocked expression, saying, "I can't believe it either, but... I guess I'm not that surprised."

"Hermione, he can't do this. There has to be some way that you can combat this- he can't-"

"It doesn't matter, Harry," Hermione said quietly. "No matter what I do, he'll end up getting the house. It's in his name."

"You love that house, Mione," Harry said softly. "I know you do."

She shrugged, anger tightening her shoulders. "I know. And so does he."

Harry looked at her sadly, wishing that none of this would happen to her.

She wiped her nose and said bitterly, "I've got to call Ginny. I'll have to stay with her, since Ron's kicking me out." Her voice cracked on the last word, and she took a deep breath.

"Oh. Then I'm just gonna- I'm just gonna step out. Don't worry, Mione, it'll work out- I promise."

Hermione nodded in understanding and Harry left. Ginny had broken up with Harry a few months ago, and it had been very hard on him. Ginny felt like she and Harry were better off as friends, and although Harry didn't feel the same, he still respected her wishes. He was still awkward around Ginny, but less so now. Still, she was grateful that he had come to check on her. Harry really was a good friend, as he'd proven, time and time again.

It'll work out- I promise. 

She tried hard to believe it. 

"Gin?" Hermione asked when the call got through.

"Hermione? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just... he... Ron wants to buy our house back from me... basically, I'm getting kicked out. Can I stay with you?"

"Of course you can, but-what?"

Hermione told her everything, and by the end of it Ginny was seething. "He better-ugh! I'm going to rip his-"


"You don't deserve to be treated like that by my idiot brother," Ginny said firmly, still angry. "Who does he think he is? He goes and finds another woman then breaks off your engagement, then has the audacity to kick you out of your own home? Just say the word, 'Mione, I have no issues murdering my own brother, plenty of places to hide the body-"

Hermione bit her lip, then cut off Ginny, saying, "I've got to go now. Ava wants to talk to me about a new case. Thank you for letting me stay at yours."

Ava was on holiday, but Ginny didn't know that. Hermione didn't think she'd be able to stand another second of talking about Ron, even though she was certain that he would be all that was on her mind all afternoon. "Oh, of course, but call me later! Bye, Hermione."


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