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You are cordially invited to Hermione Granger's 21 Birthday Party
Three o'clock in the afternoon
Contact Ginny Weasley to RSVP and for the address.

"Gin, what's this?" Hermione asked her, walking through the door of her apartment.

Ginny beamed. One day back and Ginny was going stir-crazy and organizing unnecessary parties. She needed a new client ASAP, and Hermione made a mental note to look into acquaintances who needed a slightly too energetic wedding planner.

"You haven't had a birthday party... what, like ever?" Ginny said. "I'm throwing you one. No arguments. It'll be fun."

She'd had one birthday party, but Ginny didn't really know about it.

"Are you telling me that it's your birthday and none of those ridiculous Gryffindors threw you a party?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Oh, hush. I told them no," Hermione said. 

"It's a birthday, Granger. It's supposed to be fun. Let loose. Have a crazy party," Draco insisted. 

"Like you would know," Hermione snorted.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Draco protested.

"I've seen you at parties," Hermione said. "You just stand in the back and look annoyed."

"That's at mixed house parties. How can I be expected to be excited to be in the presence of fifth years?"

"Whatever you say."

Before the words were completely out of her mouth, Draco was pulling her along, out of their common room and through the halls. She protested, as it was the middle of the night and they were definitely about to get caught, but somehow he managed to avoid all of the professors, ghosts, and wayward caretaker's cats. They skidded to a stop in front of the Room of Requirement, and Hermione hunched over, out of breath. Draco wasn't even winded, and began to walk back and forth. As soon as a door appeared, he pulled her through.

"Merlin, Draco, so pushy."

"Happy birthday, Hermione!" he said cheerfully, spreading his arms wide, grey eyes earnest.

Cake on a table, confetti on the floor, streamers and balloons hanging from the ceiling. It was utterly ridiculous, of course, but- she was touched. She was touched because no one had ever done anything like this. She clapped her hands over her mouth, her eyes threatening to tear up as that telltale prickling hit her throat.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"I love it," she whispered. She rushed forward and threw her arms around him, nearly knocking him backward with the force that she ran into him. She said into his shoulder, voice muffled, "Thank you."

"Who else did you invite?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"You'll see," Ginny said with a grin. "Now which movie do you want? I've got all of the Shrek movies-"

"What's this?" Draco asked, glancing up as an owl flew into the glass door of the flower shop. Blaise laughed and opened the door for the poor bird. It flapped its wings a couple of times, flying a little crookedly before landing on the counter.

"Who are you for?" Draco asked it, stroking its brown-feathered head gently.

Luna peeked out from the back just as it dropped three letters onto the counter. "Whose owl is that?"

"Uh..." Draco picked up one of the letters and squinted at the loopy writing. "Ginerva's."

"Who's it for?" Blaise asked, maybe too quickly. Draco smirked at him before handing him one of the letters. Of course he knew about his best mate's little crush. He wasn't as slick as he thought he was. Blaise brightened almost instantly as he saw the letter addressed to him.

"One's for you, Loony!" Draco called back to Luna. She emerged from the back, an owl treat in her hand. She fed it to Ginny's owl, accepting her letter with the other hand. Draco and Blaise opened theirs at the same time.

"Granger's having a party," Draco read.

"Oh, is she? It is her birthday soon," Luna said.

"What should I get her?"

"I got her a gift a while ago," Blaise said, stuffing the card back into its envelope.

"Really? What is it?" Draco asked, having no idea what to get her.

"I'm not telling you," Blaise said, grinning. "It's an inside joke anyway."

Draco scowled at him, annoyed. Luna said, "Why don't you just ask her what she wants?"

"She'll just say that she doesn't want anything," Blaise said, shrugging. He was right, and they all knew it. He opened the door for Ginny's owl, and it took off.

"We can go looking for a gift together," Luna said to Draco seriously. "I can help you."

"Thanks, Loony," Draco said in relief.

"Anytime, ferret," Luna said mildly, fiddling with the cash register.

"That's Ginny's owl," Ron said, squinting at the window and the owl pecking at it. Harry rushed to open it, wondering why Ginny would be sending him post. He almost didn't take it, but Ron was watching him intently.

"What could she be sending you?" Ron asked quite rudely as Harry accepted the letter from her and fed her a treat from his desk. He always kept a bunch, since his department liked to send letters by owl, despite the efficiency of paper airplanes. Harry scowled at Ron and ripped open the letter, his eyes skipping over the words. Just Hermione's birthday party. He sighed, dropping it onto his desk.

"What is it?" Ron asked, trying to get a look at the paper. Harry flipped it over. "Nothing."

"Now I'm curious," Ron groaned, making a grab for it. Harry tried to slide it away before Ron could get at it, but Ron had all of the speed of a quidditch player. He read it quickly. "A party? Why wasn't I invited?"

"She doesn't want to talk to you. I don't think she wants you at her birthday party," Harry said. Ron scowled. "But I-"

"I don't want to hear it," Harry said, checking his watch. He had a meeting in ten minutes, and he didn't have time to deal with Ron. 

He left his office, leaving Ron fuming.

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