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"I'm sorry," Hermione said dully, out of energy. She'd just stumbled into someone for the second time this week. Of course. Nothing really seemed to go her way anymore.

"Hey, Hermione."

She looked up, startled, into Draco Malfoy's face. His eyes were crinkled at the ends, like he was laughing, but his mouth was only curved up into a half-smile. She blinked at the familiarity of that smile, at the memories that ran through her mind of that smile directed on her. "You should really try out flats. Seems like balancing on heels is too much of a challenge for you."

She sighed and flipped him off, trying to push past him. She didn't have the energy or will to argue with him today, although she usually enjoyed a bit of a banter with him. It had become habit back at Hogwarts- but today, not today. He caught her by the arm, his face amiable but his eyes narrowed, trying to read her. "That wasn't very nice, Granger."

He held her tightly, but not tight enough that she couldn't shove him off. He let go after a moment, a puzzled expression on his face as he tilted his head. She looked away as soon as his gaze met hers, not wanting him to see the conflict that resided there. 

"Can you just leave me alone?" she snapped, looking him in the eye. He didn't deserve her tone, she knew, but she just couldn't handle other people for another minute. His gaze sharpened, mouth tightening as it skipped over her face. "Hermione, have you been crying?"

"No!" she said, snatching her hand back. She felt bad for being rude to him, after all, he hadn't done anything to her, but she just wanted to go home. Any other day she would have been pleased to catch up with him. Of all the days for them to run into each other-

"What's wrong?"

"Will you just leave me alone?" she asked tiredly, a slight trace of anger in her tone. Something in his expression changed, and he pretended to think. 

"Uh... no." He smirked. She sighed, knowing that he had just come up with something that she couldn't talk him out of. He had on his scheming face, the very same look that had nearly landed them in detention many times. "For that very rude gesture, I think you owe me a nice dinner."

"Draco, please. For once can you just-" 

"I'm partial to Italian, what do you think?" Not have your way, you ridiculous Malfoy, she finished her sentence in her head.

She gave up then, not in the mood to argue. It was just Draco, anyway. He wouldn't push her more than she could take. "Italian's fine."

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