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Hermione locked the bathroom door behind her, face in her hands. Why would Ginny do that? She knew how intense these feelings were for her, how this was the first time since Ron-
Hermione stifled a sob. Despite how much she'd protested about it, she didn't want to ruin the makeup Ginny had so carefully applied. She stared up at the ceiling, willing for them to go away.

A knock at the door. "Granger?"

"Occupied," she yelled out.

"Obviously. Can I talk to you?"

"I am using the bathroom," she called through the door.

"Oh, sorry. Well, I'll wait for you out here."

Shit. She didn't want to deal with the, "I'm sorry but I don't feel that way", the pitying glances, the inevitable breakdown. Birthday parties never amounted to anything good.

Steeling herself, she took a deep breath and stood. She crossed the room to the toilet and flushed it, washing her hands afterward.

She opened the door.

"Hey," she said awkwardly. Her face was pink.

"Hey," he replied, heart racing. Ginny wasn't lying. Hermione actually did have feelings for him. His heart was soaring, excited that his feelings weren't unrequited after all.

"Listen, I get it," she said impatiently.

"What?" he said, confused.

"I get it, you don't feel the same. It's fine. I'm used to it," she said quickly. "I'm sorry that you had to hear that. I hope we can keep being friends, I really enjoy spending time with you-."

"I don't want to be your friend, I want to be your boyfriend," Draco said.


"What?" she said, ignoring the how incredibly cliche his statement was and focusing more on her shock.

"I like you, Hermione. A lot," he said. She felt a little thrill run through her as he said her name. " I like you a lot."

"I-what? Sorry, I'm kind of in shock," she said.

He smirked. "I do have that effect on people." 

She rolled her eyes.

"I-" she shook her head. She wasn't sure what to say, a first for her. "I'm pretty sure that it's obvious that I have feelings for you too."

"Ginny was very helpful," he acknowledged. Hermione laughed.

"Is that a yes?" Draco ventured. Hermione grinned, then placed her lips on his.

Ginny smirked at her when she saw them holding hands, and Hermione flipped her off. George saw her, looking scandalized.

"Hermione Granger! I am shocked! Beyond appalled at your manners!" Hermione grinned at him.

"Are you two together now?" Luna asked calmly, not the slightest bit surprised.

"Yes," Draco said, grinning at Hermione. She smiled back, the tips of her ears turning red. Luna nodded knowingly.

"I'm glad Draco finally acted on his feelings for you. He's had a crush on you ever since seventh year."

Hermione's eyes widened and she turned to him. He was glaring at Luna. "Loony!"

Neville, who was sitting next to Luna, tensed up at the nickname.

"Ferret," Luna countered. Neville relaxed, realizing that it was friendly banter. Hermione had been caught off-guard at first as well, when they were using old jokes used for bullying to casually toss between them. Draco rolled his eyes at Neville. "Really, Longbottom, you can relax."

Neville's face turned red and Luna patted his hand. "He's right, Nev. We're friends. We can insult each other."

The lights suddenly dimmed and Hermione groaned, knowing what was about to happen. Ginny swept into the room with a birthday cake with lit candles.

"Happy birthday to you..."

Draco sang with Ginny, and Hermione glared at him. He grinned back.

"Blow out your candles," Ginny commanded, setting the cake down in front of Hermione.

"I hate you," Hermione said, before blowing out all of the candles on the cake. Everyone clapped and George catcalled. Hermione tried to scowl, but she couldn't. Surrounded by all of the people that she loved, there for her, she couldn't help but smile.

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