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"She's not letting me see her," Ron said angrily, pacing in Harry's office. Harry watched him from his desk chair, arms crossed. He was not very sympathetic toward his friend at the moment, and the memory of Hermione, sobbing in his kitchen, reinforced the feeling. "I just want to talk to her!"

"Of course she doesn't want to talk to you. You're kicking her out of her house."

"I don't like not talking to her," Ron said, ignoring him. "It's weird not being able to hang out."

"Like you did it so much when you were still together," Harry said, crossing his arms and glaring at his friend.

"What?" Ron said, surprised.

"Hermione told me that you would avoid her. She said that you were always busy with something and that you never wanted to spend time with her."

"I was busy!" he snapped.

"So was Hermione," Harry countered. "She's the head of her department, and she would always make time for you. You obviously couldn't be bothered to do the same thing. You were too busy chatting up other girls."

"We lived together," Ron said. "We always hung out."

Someone coughed. They both turned. Hermione was standing in the doorway, a blank expression on her face. She was holding a pie box.

"I-" Ron started.

She walked over to Harry's desk and dropped the box onto it. "That's for you. Blueberry cream. As a.. thank you."

She brushed past Ron and left the room without another word.

Hermione bristled, anger rising as she walked back to her office. The nerve of him!

Truthfully, she still missed him, but it wasn't really him she was missing. She was missing the idea of him, the old Ron from when they were first dating. The guy who was caring, sweet. He'd always make time for her, even cancel plans so that they could have their Friday movie nights. As their relationship went on, it stopped happening. The sweetness she'd seen disappeared underneath thinly veiled irritation and constant snapping, and he always had plans that took priority over theirs.

She shook her head to herself as she collapsed in her desk chair. She was angrier now than sad. He didn't even feel bad. He didn't understand what he did wrong. And he was still kicking her out of her home.

Hermione was glad that Harry had defended her. He's accurately worded how she felt into a neat little summary. She thanked the universe once again for the gift that was Harry.

She groaned, running her hands through her hair. She needed to get her mind off of Ron. Taking the rest of the paperwork out of her inbox, she got to work.

"Gin! Agh, I missed you so much!" Hermione said, embracing her friend. Ginny hugged her back enthusiastically, her freckled face flushed from sitting on the hot train for so long.

"I missed you too," Ginny said.

"How was Berlin?" Hermione asked, taking one of Ginny's bags and slinging it over her shoulder. "How was the wedding?"

"It was okay. The phone service was awful, but it really was gorgeous out there," Ginny said. "The wedding that perfect, of course. I planned it, after all."

"Oh, I bet."

"Maybe we should go together sometime."

"That would be amazing. Or maybe Rome! There's so much history in Rome, you know-"

"Hermione, droning on about history. Why did I expect something new?"

"Hey, Draco," Ginny said. Draco smirked at her. "Welcome back, Ginerva."


"Draco, stop being such a worm," Luna said, coming up behind him.

"Luna!" Ginny said warmly, hugging her. Luna hugged her back, saying, "I want to see all of your photos."

"Don't worry, I've got tons," Ginny replied with a broad grin.

"Sorry, I got held up at the line," a new voice said. Hermione glanced up at Blaise, an apologetic expression on his face. He handed her a muffin and a coffee.

"Thanks," she said, handing Ginny the coffee.

"Aw, thanks," Ginny said, beaming at him. "How are you, Blaise? Haven't seen you in a bit."

"I'm good, thanks," Blaise said, tripping over his words the slightest bit. Hermione stared at him, wondering what was wrong with him. "Been, uh, been busy at the Ministry."

"They're keeping Hermione busy too," Ginny said seriously, starting to walk. She gestured for Blaise to fall into step next to her. "I think they're short staffed. She never has any free time."

"Yeah," Blaise said, rubbing the back of his neck. He seemed... nervous? "They had to shut down loads of departments since there was nobody left to work in them."

"It's probably because so many people are moving to the Muggle world," Ginny said thoughtfully, taking a sip of her coffee. As they neared the doors, Blaise took a couple of steps in front of her to open the doors for her.

"Thanks," Ginny said to him, smiling.

"'Course," he replied, a slight smile on his face. Hermione watched him with narrowed eyes.

"You like Ginny!"

Blaise jumped. "Hermione! Don't just sneak up on me like that!"

Hermione stood behind him, arms crossed, a smirk on her face. "You do, don't you!"

"You look like Draco when he's about to trick me into doing something," Blaise muttered.

Hermione uncrossed her arms and put them on her hips. "You're avoiding the question."

"Okay, okay!" he exclaimed. He glanced around to make sure that no one was listening, and Hermione had to laugh at how ridiculous he looked. "I do. Don't tell Draco, he'd make so much fun of me."

"Of course he won't. He probably already knows. He's not an idiot."

"Is it that obvious?" Blaise asked, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Uh." Hermione glanced down. Blaise half-smiled. "Does Ginny know?"

"No. She's insanely oblivious," Hermione said.

Blaise laughed. "That's a relief."

"How long?" Hermione asked curiously.

He fidgeted nervously. "Uh... since right after we broke up at Hogwarts?"

Hermione clapped her hands together. "I'm so happy for you. I think you'd make a great couple."

"Ginny probably doesn't," Blaise said, eyes shadowed.

"She absolutely would!" Hermione said forcefully.

Hermione's phone rang. She took it out and glanced at the Caller ID, then said to Blaise, "I've got to take this. See you?"

"See you," he replied. Hermione walked back into her office, answering the call.

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