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Ginny hummed to herself as she organized things on the table. Hermione was taking a shower, and Ginny could hear her singing an Adele song.

Hermione had found a new apartment in two weeks. The landlady was a witch, and she practically stumbled over herself to give Hermione Granger, member of the Golden Trio, housing. Ginny helped Hermione move her things out of her apartment just as soon as she'd brought them.

Today was Hermione's party. Ginny flitted around, in her element, decorating and placing things just so.

The doorbell rang, and Ginny went to answer it. The party wasn't starting for another hour, but she'd asked Blaise to pick up the food for her.

"Hey, angel," he said as she opened the door.

"Nope," she replied, taking boxes out of his hands.

"Give me some credit, Red. I'm trying to be romantic."

Ginny laughed. "The pies go over there."


"Hey, Blaise. I thought you weren't off of work until later?"

"It's my break," he said, fidgeting. Ginny frowned, assuming it was because of his lack of sleep. Hermione had been insanely jittery lately, barely sleeping so she could work on that case of theirs.

"It's good to take a break," she said. "So we re you here for lunch? I don't have anything but we could go somewhere. I know a place-"

"I actually came here to tell you something," he said.

"Sure, what is it?" she asked, giving him her full attention.

"I want to take you on a date. I like you a lot, as more than friends," he said to her, confidently. He stopped fidgeting as he said it, like the nervous energy had rushed out of him.

"What?" she said in surprise. She'd had absolutely no idea. Hermione had always made jokes about the two of them being together, but Ginny always rolled her eyes. She thought that she and Blaise were just friends. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am," he said, looking pained. "I've been trying to flirt with you ever since you came back from your trip."

"Oh," she said. "I've been told that I'm oblivious."

Blaise nodded, lips curling upward in amusement.

"When are you free?"

"Tonight? I'm game for Thursday if you're busy," Ginny said.

"I'm good for tonight," Blaise said, with a peculiar little grin that was quite adorable, now that Ginny noticed it. "I'll pick you up at six."

"Not in my kitchen," Hermione groaned, pulling her damp hair into a ponytail. Blaise had the grace to look embarrassed, but Ginny turned around and started organizing the things on the counter as if she wasn't just snogging violently in her best friend's kitchen.

Ginny and Blaise had started dating recently. One day, Blaise stood up, declared, "I'm going to tell her," then apparated away. He returned with a broad grin hours later.

"I'm doing your makeup," Ginny said.

"What? It's just a small gather-"

"No arguments." Ginny gave Blaise the plate she was holding and pushed Hermione into her bathroom. Hermione muttered, "I don't see why this is necessary. I look fine."

"That's true, but you're dressing to impress," Ginny said insistently, rooting around in her bag and pulling out a nude eyeshadow palette. She blended and brushed until Hermione's eyes were big and bright. Ginny drew on perfect winged eyeliner in less than five seconds, something that Hermione couldn't do even if she tried her hardest. Then, as Hermione protested, Ginny took her hair out of its ponytail and ran the curling iron through it, making it look wavy and soft.

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