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Dear Hermione,
I'm sorry for treating you the way that I did. I was a complete jerk, and I don't deserve you. You did so much for me, and I never returned it. I didn't realize then what I had. I miss us. I miss the way that you would stay up for me to get home. I miss the way that you would know what I was thinking before I thought it. I miss our routines.
You mean so much to me. I love you, so much. I want another chance. Please, just one more. I swear that I'll do it right this time. I swear I'll be better, the best boyfriend in the world.
Love, Ron

Hermione glowered and slammed the letter down on her desk. Blaise watched her with an alarmed expression on his face. "Uh, Hermione?"

"The nerve of him! I want another chance. I gave him so many chances! And now that I'm finally happy, he has to come back and interfere!" she exclaimed. She groaned in frustration.

"Can I read it?" Blaise asked, not having to ask who it was from. Hermione gave him the letter, holding it pinched between two fingers like it was a distasteful piece of trash.

"Wow," Blaise said. "I didn't know that he knew this many words."

Hermione laughed shortly, sinking into her desk chair. "What am I supposed to say? I don't care, sorry."

"That's absolutely what you should say," Blaise said, setting the letter on the table. She grimaced. "Why does he have to be like this?"

"Who?" Draco asked, walking through the door. Hermione sighed and put her head on the desk.

He gave Blaise a bemused look and Blaise wordlessly handed him the letter.

Draco read in quickly, eyes skipping over the words. His mouth tightened. "Weasley's an idiot."

"I know," came Hermione's muffled reply. "He didn't know that England was a country."

Blaise stifled a laugh and Draco said, "You don't even have to reply if you don't want to. It's rude of him to put pressure on you like this."

"And he knows I'm in a relationship," Hermione said, glaring at the wall. "He knows that I'm really happy right now, and then he goes and sends me shit like this!"

Draco's eyebrows rose. Hermione barely ever swore, although her middle finger was a tool that she utilized often.

"Just ignore him, love," Draco said.

"Alright," she muttered, still glaring daggers at the wall. Draco rolled his eyes. "Come on. We're meeting Pansy."

"I forgot about that," Blaise said, squeezing his eyes shut as if to block out the reality of Pansy Parkinson.

"Hm. We're late," Draco said.

They Apparated to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Hermione was hit by a rush of nostalgia, and she could see Blaise looking wistfully at Hogwarts through the window.

"I miss it," she said to him quietly.

"Me too," Blaise replied, and she knew from the look that they shared that he knew exactly how she felt. No matter how many bad memories that it held, Hogwarts castle was and always would be their home.

"Hey!" Pansy said enthusiastically as they joined her. She grinned at Hermione and Ginny. Hermione saw Draco shake his head. She couldn't believe that he'd forgotten how close they'd all gotten.

"Hey, Theo," Blaise said, taking a seat next to Pansy's boyfriend. "I haven't seen you in ages."

Theo shrugged. "I was in Italy on a business trip."

"Really? We could have visited, we were there recently," Hermione said. Draco groaned under his breath as Pansy exclaimed, "You went to Italy without me?"


"It was to help Hermione get over Ron drama," Blaise interjected. "Spur of the moment."

"I'm the best at getting over drama," Pansy sniffed.

"That's true," Hermione agreed. "We'll bring you and go without Blaise next time."

Pansy smiled, pleased, and Blaise exclaimed, "Hey!"

"So, how's Gin?" Theo asked.

"Great," Blaise said, his face lighting up at the mention of her.

"Aw, Blaise has a crush face," Pansy smirked.

"We're dating now," Blaise said happily.

"How do I not know any of this?" Pansy shrieked. "I feel so left out!"

"You should have come to Hermione's party!"

"It was the first night Theo was back!" Pansy glared at them. "Is anyone else dating that I don't know about? Draco and Hermione?"

"Um, yes, actually," Hermione said, biting her lip.

"Merlin!" Pansy exclaimed, throwing up her hands. "Next it's gonna be Potter and Weasel."

Hermione grimaced. "Never in a million years."

Blaise smirked at the thought, taking a sip of his firewhiskey.

"Actually, guys, there was a reason that I brought us all together," Pansy said. She bit her lip, trying to contain a smile, then glanced at Theo. "We're getting married!" she burst out.

"Congrats!" Hermione exclaimed. Blaise and Draco echoed her, smiling at Theo and Pansy.

"Will you guys be groomsmen? And Hermione, will you be the maid of honor?"

"Of course, Pans!" Hermione said, smiling warmly. "If you need any help with the wedding planning, just ask. Gin will be happy to-"

"I was waiting for you to say that!" Pansy said, grinning enthusiastically. "I'm going to need a second opinion on everything. Obviously, I'm asking Astoria to make my dress. And Draco and Luna are doing florals. I was thinking maybe a greenish theme? We are Slytherins, after all."

"That sounds great," Hermione said.
"I'm definitely going to need help with the food and everything. I don't know how to do all of those spells. Hermione, you do, right? Because my mother is inviting everyone she knows, and there are all kinds of allergies! I was thinking one of those spells that they did at Hogwarts?"

"Oh, where you said what you wanted and it appeared?" Hermione asked. Pansy nodded. "Yes, I think I could do that. The spell takes a while to do, but I handle it. Just let me know when?"

"Of course you can do it," Blaise muttered. Hermione flipped him off, and Theo grinned at her.

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