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"Oh, so you don't remember me?"

Fuckshit looked me up and down then back into my eyes before smiling and getting close.

"Naw but I'd really like to get to know you"he said whispering in my ear.

I felt my chocolate brown skin blush as my breathing hitch before I pushed him away.

"You dont remember, 1994? Bus incident, I punched the shit outta ya friend Ruben?"

With that last line his eyes grew wide,"That was you?" He said with a giggle.

"Yea I do look a bit different I guess"

He looked me up and down and licked his plush lips, "Yea, ya ass got fatter," He said lowly sneaking a look.

I rolled her eyes taking a seat with him, "That's honestly all you have to say?"I questioned.

He twirled his blond curl, "Yea well, I ain't really get to talk to you much after that you know, I ain't never see you round school like that anymore and shit, I did really wanna get to know you cause you was a girl and you was a skater, and I thought that was pretty dope," He rambled.

I gave a faint smile recalling the exact reason why he didn't see me around the school much after that.
I began to avoid him every time I saw him, which wasn't very hard because our school was very big considering it was only a middle school.We only had about one year left together after that so after middle school everyone parted ways, except me and Amara of course.

"You gained a lot of weight..like a lot," He said still looking me up and down. "Fuck, shit" he muttered to himself under his breath.

I giggled at his thirsty looks before I felt my eyes grew wide in fear.

"I-I gotta go,"I said stuttered hopping up.

"Wait," He said grabbing my wrist, "I wanted to talk to you a bit more ma," He said trying to sit me back down.

"You don't understand I really really-

"Heyyy Ashanti" a voice called out to me, sending a shiver down my spine.

I held her breath awaiting for the situation about to unfold.

"Hey Brian."I lowly spoke.

Fuckshit just stared at me before glancing at the boy presented in front of us.

"Whose this?"Brian said looking fuckshit up and down.

I started to twirl her fingers in anxiety.

"He's uh-just uh-"

"I'm her n*gga"He said grabbing my hand and intertwining it with his.

I felt my cheeks heat up more than ever now, causing a slight grin to appear on my face.

"Oh yea, she tell you bout her old ways?" Brian asked with a chuckle.

My smile quickly disappeared as I lowly just looked at the ground, embarrassed and beyond ashamed.

Fuckshit noticed this and spoke, "I don't need to know cause it's only our future that matters" he shrugged, giving me a sly wink.

I tried to give a smile but it wouldn't appear with Brian towering over me.

"Well Ashanti next time you need that back blown out again gimmie a c-


I barely got enough time to think before I saw Fuckshit standing in front of me, his hand slowly raising down and Brian holding his cheek, with a crowd now appearing.

"Don't ever speak that shit to her bro" He said staring him down.

Brian raised his arm like he was about to react before a darkskin boy with dreads appeared behind him tapping him.

"Is there a problem?"

The boy turned around seeing Fuckshit was closer now almost inches away from his face, awaiting a response.

I twiddled her fingers, also anxiously awaiting a response.

Brian simply shook his head walking away gaining boos and sighs from the drama seeking crowd as they dispersed back onto their boards.

I slowly stood up tapping Fuckshit shoulder.

"Thank you so much."I whispered into his ear.

He shook his head, "You don't gotta thank me from common decency ma," he said with a smirk.

"Since when you start using big words n*gga?"The darkskin boy chuckled.

"I'm Ray by the way," The boy said extending his hand out.

"I'm Ashanti ,"I said with a grin shaking his hand.

"You skate?" He questioned.

I shook my head, "Five years now," I spoke proudly.

"How about you?"

He smiled, "8 now"

I felt less proud about my answer before asking fuckshit which led to another one upping answer of 6.

"So I guess i'm the least experienced over here," I said with laugh of anxiety.

I'm not really used to talking to people other than Amara about this type of stuff so it was really bugging me out.

"Well if you hang with us you'd become way more experienced!"Ray said with a grin.

"How bout it ma, you wanna start hanging out with our crew?" He said with a look.

I thought about it.

It's always been just me and Amara. I'd never really thought about being cool with other people, especially over an interest like this.

"Only if Amara can too" I said establishing my loyalty to my best friend.

"Hey, if she's as cool as you we got no problem taking her,"Ray said.

I smiled looking for her and my brother seeing they were by the gate most likely waiting for me.

"I've gotta go, when's the soonest I can see you guys again though?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, here I i'll write down the address for my skateshop," Ray said taking out a pen and receipt.

"Here I got it n*gga ya handwriting sloppy ashit"Fuckshit laughed.

"Just like ya mom," Ray winked.

I held in a chuckle, not knowing if I were close enough to them to laugh at certain jokes yet.

"anddd done, here you go ma,"Fuck shit said handing me the receipt happily.

"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow," I said with a wave.

"man I sure hope so,"He said looking me down with lick of his lips.

I quickly walked over to my brother and Amara, "You won't believe what happen!" I said clutching the receipt.

I held it in my hand looking over it before turning the paper around.

seeing fuckshits number written with a note, "call me sometime ma, ya sexy ass<3"

seeing fuckshits number written with a note, "call me sometime ma, ya sexy ass<3"

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whew chile last one for the night. I'll definitely update tomorrow!until then :) <3

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