✺17 ✺

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"Ashanti" I called out as the grip on my hand grew tighter.

It was chilly as a bitch considering August had began and we was about to go back to school. Shanti had my jacket and I was over here freezing colder then a mothafucka.

"I know you hear me girl," I said pulling her hip to mine so that she was facing me now.

She sighed wiping her eyes trying to hide them big ass tears I had been seen. She was always tryna act so emotionless it killed me. But she definitely was my girl, cause we were both alike in that aspect.

"I just, I don't understand why my dad has that dumb ass hold on her. She deserves so much better and I wish she knew instead of putting me, her own DAUGHTER before him." She said looking at the ground.

My chest grew hot as I looked at her. "Look we can go back to my place. My pops barley home and my mom on some business trip. Tonight it'll just be you and me okay ?" I said picking up her chin with my finger.

She nodded putting her head on my shoulder as we just stood there. In the chilly breeze looking over the city that chewed us up and spit us all back out.


"You called my fuckin phone up to tell me my seed inside you but now you won't take a fucking test to show its mines?" I said gripping the papers.

"You so dumb Ray you know damn well this baby yours, who else I been fucking Ray? Hm? Who the fuck else been putting they shit inside me without a rubber ?" Lonnie said waving her fingers in my face.

We continued to argue until I looked over at Amara taking a deep breath in and walking over.

"Look, I know he's dumb as hell for not wearing a condom and if it's true you've only had sec with him without a condom then I'd be offended too. But i'm asking, begging to just please take this test. I mean it can't be that much harm if he really is the dad right?" She said rubbing her temples.

Lonnie opened her mouth, probably to say some smart shit before rolling her eyes and snatching the papers from me.

"I need a pen dumb ass" She said holding out her hand.

I took a pen out my pocket before quickly handing it to her urging her to hurry so we could get this whole pot of bullshit over with.

I knew in my heart that wasn't my baby. I was wrong for not using a condom but it couldn't be mines. I had so much at stake it it was. But if it turned out to be. I guess I'd just be a dad.

She quickly threw the papers back at me before walking into her house and slamming the door.

"And I BETTER get that fucking call from you about how you're the father or I WILL be putting your worthless ass on child support!"She said yelling out her window.

I rolled my eyes walking away from the big ass mess that unfolded due to my careless actions.

I tried to grab Amara's hand as we walked down the street but per usual, she just pulled it away again.

I really hope she's forgive me. Baby or not I wanted her more than anything in the world.


★ ☆ 𝐒𝐋𝐔𝐓! ★ ☆ (Mid90s)Where stories live. Discover now