✺ 13 ✺

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"When can I meet ya mom?"

I felt my eyes damn near pop out of their sockets as I turned to Fuckshit.

He had a snarky grin on his face as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Um, what made you ask that?"

"I mean I've seen ya naked ass body I think I should at least meet ya moms now," He said turning to me.

I gritted my teeth lying back down on to my bed.

"what?" He asked hovering over top of me, "I'm not a picture perfect boyfriend or something?"

I rolled my eyes, "My mom would accept you if you were a dead beat guy with a kid,"

"So what's the issue?"

I took in the thought of him meeting her, her touching all over his head, offering him food, him meeting my brother.. sheesh.

"I just don't wanna show them somebody temporary, ya know?"

I saw him raise his eye brow as I realized how bad the words that came out of my mouth sounded.

"Baby, I didn't mean it like that at all I meant-

"Ti, I know what you meant, and I ain't going no where no time soon so you can die that shit right now" He said wrapping his arms around my waist bringing me closer.

I sighed in relief, I deserved this, I deserved happiness from some who I could also give back to.

And to think this all started with me trying to fight him on a bus..

"I'm sorry Amara"

I rolled my eyes walking ahead of him out of the store.

"Ray, if were gonna be together your gonna have to leave all your past chicks, alone." I said crossing my arms.

I felt big arms wrap around my waist as I began to slowly unwind. I turned to him feeling tense as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I trust that you won't cheat on me, but I don't trust that these lil bitches won't give the smallest excuse of you doing it either"I said looking him in the eye.

He raised his brow as I sighed, "What I mean is, you could just say 'Hi' to a bitch and next thing you know 'she coming to me as a woman',"

He chuckled, I could tell he knew I was right.

"I don't want you to not have girl-friends but, just be careful,"I say looking at his lips.

As if he was reading my mind he leaned in for a passionate, slow kiss which practically made me melt.

"How a bout we..go back to my house?" I say leaning in to his ear.

He gave a big goofy smile as he moved me closer to him by the hip.

I deserved this, I deserved happiness from some who I could also give back to.

And to think this all started with me trying to fight his friend on a bus..

filler chapter! sorry i've been inactive, i will publish another chapter and my euphoria book today!

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