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"Heyy fuckshit"a girl flirtatiously waves as we skated by.

I rolled my eyes grasping his hand a little more. He noticed and looked at me with a smile.

"You jealous or sum ma" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not at all, I mean it's not like your my boyfriend or anything" I said with a shrug.

He shook his head understanding as we skated in silence until we reached the park.

"Every man for himself!"Ray said skating away before he stops, "Except for you, your with me," Ray said grasping Amara's hand with a wink.

She looked back at me with a wide smile before waving, skating away with him.

I turned to see fuck shit had skated away from me and began doing tricks on the rails collecting "oo's" and "ahh's" from on lookers.

he's really good, but I can do better.

I grabbed my skateboard gliding over toward the half pike, I started at the top before catching acceleration and gliding down till I arrived back at the top catching air and holding on with my hand as my legs hung in the air.

I grabbed my skateboard gliding over toward the half pike, I started at the top before catching acceleration and gliding down till I arrived back at the top catching air and holding on with my hand as my legs hung in the air

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(this gif is very fast i'm sorry but this is the trick she did)

I heard the cheers I was gaining and gained the acceleration again to go up the other side of the ramp catching air as I hung in the air before flying back down on my board gliding down to stop myself and catch my breath.

I heard the cheers I was gaining and gained the acceleration again to go up the other side of the ramp catching air as I hung in the air before flying back down on my board gliding down to stop myself and catch my breath

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(this is the other trick she did, the ramp of course isn't this big tho as it's only a skatepark)

My new group of friends crowded around me all excited and complimented me.

"Damn Ti you rock!" Fourth grade said exasperated.

"You are really dope! You must practice in your sleep too," Ruben surprisingly complemented me with a chuckle.

I watched as a young boy stood staring at me in awe, probably wanting to say something but to scared.

I walked over to him bending down a bit so we were face to face, "Hey, my names Ti what's yours?" I asked him holding out my hand.

★ ☆ 𝐒𝐋𝐔𝐓! ★ ☆ (Mid90s)Where stories live. Discover now