✺ 10 ✺

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"Babe i'm telling you he was checking you out" Fuckshit said licking a popsicle.

I roll my eyes, he was starting to go through the jealousy phase ALREADY and we just started going out about 2 days ago.

"Yea well does it matter? Do I want him?" I ask.

He sighs, "It the principle baby, you be looking to good out here bruh" He said shaking his head.

I giggled holding his hand as we walked across the street, the warm New York breeze pushing my dreads this way and that.

Until something, or we'll..someone, made me stop in my tracks.

"Ashanti! I've been tryna contact you this whole week!"

I kept my eyes low, squeezing Fuckshits hand a little tighter as I mumbled out a "hey".

"Who's this?" Fuckshit asked looking down at me.

"Um," I scratched the back of my head, " This is Jack," I said lowly, hoping he wouldn't say anything embarrassing that could ruin me and Fuckshits relationship.

"Yea me and her used to.."

"Be study buddies!" I said finishing his sentence for him knowing that wasn't what he was gonna say.

"Yea um we're gonna go now" Fuckshit said holding my hand a little tighter as we began to walk away from Jack.

"Wait, I wanted to talk to her" Jack said yelling after us.

"She's can't my tongues to deep down her throat!" Fuckshit yelled back, making my cheeks burn with even more embarrassment.

"Did you have to say that?" I said face palming as I sat back on the bench.

"Yea well what was I supposed to say, I mean that n**** was bouta tell me y'all used to FUCK" Fuckshit said raising his voice.

I just stayed quiet and looked at the ground because I mean, he wasn't wrong.

Fuckshit sighed as he sat down next to me, pulling me closer by my waist and whispering in my ear, "Listen, I know ya past is ya past just mines is mines ya mean. But if we gonna pursue this relationship we gotta put that shit behind us. For good. An if that means me having to let all these n***** know you mines, and mines only? Then imma do just that baby," He said sending chills down my spine as his mellow voice softened after every word.

"You feel me?" He asked.

I shook my head as he kissed me on the cheek giving me his famous goofy smile.

"Imma go skate some, you gonna stay here?" He asked.

I shook my head.

I need some time to think, on god.

He nodded and skated away to the ramps as I leaned back on to the bench, feeling the warm sun compliment my dark melanin skin.

I really, really, like him. Especially because he knows where i'm coming from with my "history" with guys. But I haven't been in a relationship for years and I just don't know what to do. I don't wanna hurt him but at the same time.. what if he hurts me?

My thoughts were almost immediately interrupted when I felt someone tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me" The voice said, I couldn't quite make out her face though because of the sun.

"Uh do I know you?"

"You sure as hell should, cause you fucking on my man" The girl said putting her hands on her hips.

★ ☆ 𝐒𝐋𝐔𝐓! ★ ☆ (Mid90s)Where stories live. Discover now