✺ 9 ✺

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"But babyyy, i missed you so much" Fuckshit said as he kissed down my neck.

I felt a tingle as he stupidly licked it and began to softly blow.

"Fuckshit. We are in public," I said looking around the skatepark as everyone minded their business.

He looked around for a second then shrugged as he continued to kiss me everywhere i could think of from the neck up.

"I don't give a fuck bout nobody watching us, they can enjoy the show cause if it was up to me.." He trailed off getting close to my ear.

"I'd eat my meal right here, right now." He whispered with a chuckle.

I gasped hoping he wasn't saying what I thought he was saying.

I guess he could tell by the look on my face I couldn't believe him because he shook his head with a sly grin saying "yup".

I rolled my eyes as Ray came over holding his board and sitting down with a huff.

I raised my brow, "Ray what's wrong?" I said leaning over Fuckshit.

Big mistake, he smacked my ass so hard i still have a slight bruise. Lord help me.

"Are you not worried about Ray?" I turned annoyed.

He sighed and tapped Ray who's head was in his hands, quiet.

"Cmon man tell us what's up we can help you" Fuck shit said rubbing his back.

It was silent for a moment except for the screech or wheels hitting rails and children screaming.

Ray sighed picking up his head, "It's just, Mara man. I wanna be with her so bad but she don't believe i'm serious you know?"He said said lying back on the bench.

Fuckshit chuckled, " Aw man my boy pussy whipped,"He said slapping him on the back.

Ray rolled his eyes, "Says the one who has yet to get ANY pussy. I actually got a taste and it was.. heaven," Ray said with a goofy smile.

"Bro no more I don't wanna hear no more. An if I want a toasted from my women I can get it any time right babe?" Fuckshit asked sneaking a arm around my waist.

I rolled my eyes, "Something like that,"

I felt the hot sun beat down on to my cheeks causing me to sweat bullets. I couldn't go 3 seconds without wiping my forehead.

"When I get back I'll give you some advice on how to help your Amara situation Ray," I said as he shook his head.

"I'll be back babe i'm gonna go to the corner store and get an ice cream sandwich," I said grabbing my board.

"What you mean? I'm coming with you" Fuckshit said grabbing his board too as he held my hand.

I felt my heart begin to nearly beat out my chest as I blushed. He still made me feel all types of ways with just a simple touch.

"Can't leave me alone for not one second huh?" I said teasing him.

He leaned in for a quick peck on my lips, "Why would I ever want to?"

He leaned in for a quick peck on my lips, "Why would I ever want to?"

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This is more of a filler chapter I have a lot in store. I know this may sound weird but Bryson Tillers new single came out at 12 and it's currently 12:52 as i'm writing it. And it may sound very weird as I stated but the song kinda of gave me inspo to write this chapter lol. It reminded me of Fuckshit and Ashanti's relationship. And also for those who play episode, I was thinking of making this a story on there.. if y'all would be interested lemme know.

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