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"Girl if you dont call him!"

I tangled my finger around the phone cord, anxious that I might be being to forward, I mean it hadn't even been 18 hours since we've seen each other.

"I don't know Amara I mean it's a little early don't you think?" I asked gliding my finger across the buttons.

"It's 10 in the morning," Amara frowned.

I sighed knowing she was right and I was just nervous. I took a deep breath and began dialing the numbers from the receipt, becoming more and more anxious with every tap.

I listened as the phone rang before he picked it up on the fourth beep.

"fuckshit, who the fuck is this?"I heard him ask with a chuckle.

He may have been joking but those few words made me even more nervous than I already was.

"I- um it's Ti- Ashanti,"I lowly spoke.

There's was a bit of silence before he spoke again, "You the chick from Tays party? The one with the big tits?"He said with a giggle.

My cheeks grew hot as I felt a lump in my throat grow big.

"I-uh I, ill talk to you later," I said hanging up.

I heard Amara face palm with a sigh, "Why didn't you tell him who you were?"She asked flopping back on my bed.

"Because, I just couldn't speak and I sounded dumb so I hung up," I said twiddling with my finger.

I went to grab my notebook before the phone rang again, causing my heart to skip a sudden beat.

I shakily went to answer hearing his soft voice on the line, a sudden tone change.

"Hey is this the mama from last night?" He asked.

I hesitated answering at first, then I quickly spoke, "Yea, sorry for earlier," I said lowly.

He giggled, "Nah that's my fault Ti I thought you was this other chick I was messing round with, you comin to the shop?"He asked, trying to act like he didn't say he was already messing with another girl.

I looked over at Amara who mouthed "Fuck yea"

I shook my head forgetting he couldn't see me before saying , "Yea we're on our way,"

"Great, I got something for you to," He said with a giggle.

"Uh ok," I said before hanging up.

"I'm gonna go ask my mom be right back" I said to Amara.

I skipped happily to my moms room before standing in the door way.

My mom was on the phone speaking to one of her friends in french, since her family migrated there when she was 13, which is where she met my dad.

"cette chienne pense vraiment qu'elle va se pencher sur moi, elle a une autre chose à venir parce que deux enfants ne veulent pas dire de la merde quand je viens autour"she said hollering over the phone as I covered my mouth at her profanity.

I knew a bit of french, just enough for me to have conversations and understand what people were saying to me in the language, but I could understand every word my mom said.

"fille malade vous rappelle" she said hanging up, "Hey sweetie what's up," She said sitting up from her bed.

"I was wondering if me and Amara could go to the skate park? Just to get out the house you know," I said getting straight to the point.

★ ☆ 𝐒𝐋𝐔𝐓! ★ ☆ (Mid90s)Where stories live. Discover now