✺16 ✺

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"You don't gotta go out there Ashanti if you don't want to" I say to her as she stood between my legs sighing.

"I have to though, he's my pops and as much as I hate him my mom's gonna force me to respect him."

We both turn our heads as we hear faint knocks on her door.

I walk over cracking it to see her little brother with a small grin, "Tell Ashanti mom said if she don't get her butt out here she gonna get whooped."

I watched him look back to see if his mom was watching then lean into my ear whispering, "Tell her I can cover for her too if she wants, cause if it was up to me he'd be the one getting whooped," He said with a wink walking off.

I chuckled at his crazy little ass, him reminding me of myself when I was a youngin lowkey.

I looked over seeing Ashanti sprawled our on the bed.

"My baby really hurting right now. An the hurt ain't even from that fire dick I could have gave her." I thought to myself pouting my lip out.

I grab her hand lifting her up, as she rolls her eyes sitting on my lap. I leaned in for a small peck looking at her gorgeous face her looking away like she always did when I looked her in the eye.

I chuckled and lifted her off the bed, "Let's get it over with."


"How can I help you sir?"

I stared at the doctors office receptionist realizing I didn't even know what I'd be asking for.

A baby prover?
Sperm test?
Maury Povich??

Luckily Amara seen my tense up and budged in.

"We'd like a paternity test please," She said with her beautiful convincing smile that I'd grown to love.

The receptionist chewed her gum with a eyebrow raise.

"Are you the mother and father ?"She asked pointing to both of us.

"Um i'm the father but, she's not the carrier or the baby, we'll the mom," I said stumbling over my words. I saw Amara grind her teeth as I told the women she wasn't the mother.

"Well in order to get a paternity test 1. The mother need to give up her and the babies dna along with you. 2. She needs to be at least 7 weeks along." She said as she got paperwork ready for me.

I gulped realizing i'd have to talk to that bitch of a supposed "baby mom" again when I really didn't want to. Even if she was pregnant with my baby I still wouldn't be speaking to her, she could write and mail me a letter of what my kid needed and i'd mail it back.

"Take these papers, get both of your signatures and come back to take the test, have a nice day" She said flagging us off.

I took the paper work sighing.

"Rude bitch," Me and Amara both said in unison.

I smiled, "See we definitely belong together," I said playfully nudging her.

She rolled her eyes walking up.

I hated to see her go, but I loved to watch her leave.


"You've grown since i've seen you Ashanti,"

"You still the same thoug-" I said rolling my eyes as I felt Kwasi kick me under the table.

"So, how are you enjoying the food?" I heard my mom ask.

He chewed slowly before, being the nasty man he was, opening his mouth full of food speaking, "Eh it could be betta, but is good for now," He said swallowing spoon fulls for it to be not good enough for his liking.

"So how'd your away business going," I said tapping my foot in anger.

He paused before putting down his spoon "I do think that is none of you business daughter,"

"I'm just wondering how good the thing that's kept you away and in and out of our lives for what? 13 years is going" I said with a smile.

He wiped his mouth standing up, "I know when I am not welcomed so I will be leaving," He leaned in giving my mom a kiss on the forehead before walking towards the door, and out of our lives once again.

"Pfft, good riddance," I lowly spoke.

"You SHUT your mouth !" My mother said standing from the table.

I stared at her in a mix of confusion and anger, "excuse me?"

"You've driven him away once again, I am tired of this madness, I let you speak to him thinking it was going to be a mature convo and it was nothing of the sort, you go to your room and you stay there for the rest of the night do you understand me?"

I stared at her in horror, was she serious? This was not the mother I'd know a week ago, not even two days ago.

"I'll do you one better, I'll leave this HOUSE!" I say standing up from the table grabbing fuckshit's  hand in the process.

I didn't know what I was doing, where I was gonna go, but I knew I was gonna get the fuck outta there, asap.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I have 2 more drafts i'm going over to publish as well! I'm trying to get this book finished in at least 10 more chapters ! at least !

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