Liu /Sully

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Liu- talking 


(y/n second voice)-Talking

Sully- talking 

Liu/Sully pov 


I was walking around the forest shivering from the cold 'God I hate snow' I thought 'Same here kid'   Thought Sully. I then hear voices, I looked around  and made sure my steps were so quiet nobody would hear me.  I come to a stop and hid behind a tree, I peeked and saw a little girl in nothing but a ripped up sweater dress that went just above her knees, she was shivering and sobbing and talking to herself. 'I  had swore I heard someone else but it was just this little sobbing gi-' my thoughts were cut off by a different voice come from her mouth, " SHUT UP OH MY GODS!!!!! Stop being a cry baby that's why they left you, now you should probably being worried about stitchy over there." Said the second voice, ' heh guess she caught us' sighed Sully. " w-who's t-there c-come out n-now!" said the little girl her voice breaking, I stepped out from behind the tree and made my way in front of her and kneeled down to her level. " Hello miss, my name is Liu," I say my voice softer than usual. "My n-name is (y/n), nice to meet you" she said quietly. " And my name is Sully nice to meet ya doll " said Sully "Oh shut up sully your gonna scare her you dick twat!" I groaned in annoyance " Make me fuckface!!" he yelled back, then a voice shouted " SHUT THE FUCK UP YA NUMB SKULLS !!!!" Said the other voice coming from (y/n)'s mouth, "s-stop ( your second voice name or 2/v/n) it- it's ok" (y/n) whimpered her voice back to normal this time, " Oh so your like me and Sully and I'm Guessing they are (s/v/n) huh?" I asked "Well no shit sherlock" said (s/v/n) I laughed a little " So (y/n) what are you guys doing out here all alone?" Asked Sully, "U-um, my mom and dad left me here a few days ago they said they would be back in a minute but they never came back..." Said (y/n) a few remaining tears started to fall down her frozen cheeks, I frowned and I felt Sully do the same but he was full of rage from what he just heard. I then took off my long coat and scarf and wrapped her up and used the scarf to tie the little bundle in place against my chest and started walking back to the mansion. "Wh-where a-are we going dad- I mean Liu!?!!?" She asked as she got flustered at her mistake. I chuckled a little " You can call me dad if you wish, and we are heading to my home but I warn you I live with murders as I am one myself." I say patting her head, Shad a look of 'the fuck he just say'.

(DUDE IM DYING OML HAHAH I feel like in every creepypasta the try to hide the fact they kill people BUT NOT LIU H IS BREAKING THE CYCLE TODAY!!!!- Rain)

" Well I kinda guessed that not gonna lie, honestly that doesn't really matter to me, I love you dad" Said (y/n) sleepily. I smiled as I continued to walk to the mansion.

Alright guys there is your new chapter, my next chapter is going to be a Jason The Toy maker x child reader...

Quote of the chapter,

"Never regret something that made you smile"- Mark Twain 

Have a very rainy day,

- Rain

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