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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in soooo long but here is Zero's chapter enjoy the first mom story!!!!

Age: 8

Zero's pov 

I watched as the little girl known as (Y/n) Rogers, the granddaughter  of that piece of inhumane garbage ass wipe, play alone in her yard. Her parents were never around much , and she didn't have many or really any friends. Gods I can't believe she is related to someone like that!

I watched as she played with her dolls, until I hear loud voices coming toward us. It turned out to be those  neighborhood kids who loved to pick on her just because they could. I couldn't hear what they were saying to her, but it quickly got violent! The boys started to pull at her shiny (hair description) hair! Others kicked her, one even threw rocks at her! Who does that to someone!?!? I feel myself begin to move towards them but before I could I saw (y/n) stand with her head lowered. In a flash 2 of the 4 children were on the ground, there necks snapped! How did she move so fast!? 

The remaining children ran off screaming, while (y/n) sat back down a few feet away from the bodies and began to play again. I decided now would be a good time to talk to her. I jumped out of the tree I was hiding in, and made my way quietly over to (y/n), I jumped slightly when I hear her shriek and I feel something lightly hit my leg, "Bug! Bug! Run! I don't wanna die! It's gonna eat me!"she yelled in fear. I look down at the doll to see a small beetle on it, I couldn't help but chuckle. I quickly picked up the bug and tossed it in a random direction and handed the doll out to her, "Here you go Hun, I got rid of the wretched beast!" I say laughing slightly at my childishness. "Why thank you my brave knight! You have vanquished the evil beetle witch!" She giggled while gently taking the doll from my pale hands. "Hun can you tell me why you killed those kids" I asked. She looked at me in confusion, " I didn't kill them I just told them to take a nap?" She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, 'oh boy, we have an innocent version of Jeff on our hands' I thought to myself. 

I smiled lightly, "Yeah that does sound better. Hey what's your name Hun?" I ask pretending to not know. "My name is (Y/n), what's yours?" she asked smiling cutely. "Well my name is Zero, and it's nice to meet you (N/n) (Nick name)." I say, suddenly I hear the phone ring from inside. I carefully pick (Y/n) up and walk inside. The house looked more like a playroom than anything, toys everywhere, snack wrappers, coloring stuff, you name it. Probably (Y/n)'s parent's trying to buy her love since they are never there. (Y/n) had escaped my arms and picked up the phone, the phone call went like this:



Y: Hello?

P: Hello? My name is officer Danny, I am sorry to inform you that your parents have just been in a terrible crash and sadly did not-

Before they could finish, (Y/n) hung up the phone. I was frozen, she just figured out her parent's were dead, and the only ones who ever did look out for her were her neighbors. (y/n)'s head was down and I noticed little droplets of water hit the ground. I wrapped my arms around her, "U-Um Zero, w-where am I gonna g-go?" she asked through small sobs, God I remember asking that same question when m parent's died. "Well could always come with me?" I quietly offered. All she did was nod, "Thanks mommy..." She whispers .

Alrighty guys, I am so happy to be back and boy do I never wanna leave!

Quote of the chapter in,

"If offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on." - Sheryl Sandburg

And remember people

Have a very rainy day- Rain

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