Bloody Painter

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Your Pov

My step dad, well he's my mommy's boyfriend, continued to drink as I sat in the kitchen coloring my picture for mommy, she was always at work, my step dad was always dunk, and I was always coloring. I fiddled with my (Hair description) hair, it was like my moms. I was told I look like my real dad though, except with my oms hair and eyes. I painted and colored all the time now, I hoped that one day mommy would come home and see it but she works for a big company, and I only ever see her for a few minutes every other day. My step dad just ignored me, he figured all he had to do was make me food and that's it. "(Y/n) I'm home!  Steven- WHAT THE HELL STEVEN!?!?!?!?" She yelled when she saw my step dad, "What the hell are you doing!?!?! Why are you drinking?? (Y/n) where are you honey!?!?" She yelled, "In here mama!" I yelled she rushed into the kitchen sighing in relief  when she saw me. 

"Hey baby girl, mama has good news! I'm getting a new job and we get to move away! Just you and me, no Steven, no anyone." She said quietly, I was all smiles. "Go pack your bags and mamma's got hers so I'll make dinner." She says I nodded

Time skip

I sat in the car excited because mama said we are going to meet someone really important and are gonna stay with them. Mama finally got in the car, "Mama you have red paint on your cheek hehe! Were you using my paint again?" I giggled, she looked panicked and wiped it off her cheek and laughed. "Yeah sorry baby girl..." She said, "Hey mama who are we going to meet?" I asked curiously, she laughed, "You'll find out soon enough" She said as I nodded off...

Carolyn (Your moms) POV

My little girl slept in the back seat as I drove, every turn of the wheel makes me even more excited. I had been on a mission for Slender for 6 horrible years, pretending to love a horrible man, working for people who were on to Slender. Today was they day I got to finally kill them all. Now after all this waiting, I get to see the love of my life and introduce him to HIS little girl.

Time skip

Your Pov 

I feel someone shaking me, I slowly open my eyes rubbing them. I see my mom she is smiling at me,  a real smile.  "We're here baby girl, so is the person you get to meet. But I want you to know that other people live in here and they look really scary and mean, but I promise baby girl, they are mommy's friends." She said, I nodded I always did love scary movies. I got out of the car and we walked up the steps, my mom opened the door and what I saw was all my favorite horror movies in one room.... Well not really they looked like they were out of a horror movies.....BUT STILL!!!

 I smiled and waved a little, the whole room let out a breath of relief at that. In a flash everyone was hugging my mommy, they must have missed her lots. After a few minutes their attention was on me and I blushed. "Oh my god! She looks JUST like you and Helen. Your eyes and hair and his face and defiantly the messy hair heh." Said a man with grey skin and gold eyes and teeth, "Yeah, I know Pup hehe, speaking of Helen where is he..." She asked kind of worried. "Oh he's upstairs, freaking out probably hahaha, you can go ahead and see him Carolyn." Said the woman with a clock in her eye. My mom thanked them, picked me up, and took me upstairs.

 We came to a door with the letters BP painted on with red paint, my mom knocked on the door. "Come in..." Said a voice it was muffled but still audible. We walked in to see a man with black messy hair and crystal blue eyes with dark bags and very pale skin. He strangely looked like me, my mom ran at him and in to his arms, he was still in shock. He then started to cry and hold my mom, he was smiling hard. When they stop hugging he kissed my mom, I was so confused, when they finally broke away from the kiss I asked, "Um mommy, who is he and why are you kissing him?" She laughed.

"Wait...Mommy?...Is that....Oh my god... She's my..... She's my daughter???" He asked bewildered, my mommy only nodded and smiled. He walked over to me and knelt  down to my level, "H-hi (Y/n), I'm your... Dad..." He said. I couldn't believe it, I looked at my mom she just smiled. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back, just as tightly. He picked me up in his arms and spun me around me, "I got my little girl back!" He yelled I laughed "I got my daddy back!" I yelled. 

"AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" We looked over at the door to see everyone recording and gushing, I hid my face in my daddy's neck. "It's ok my little doodle-bug, I will protect you" Said my daddy, I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck even deeper, "Thanks daddy"

Alrighty people this chapter is definitely one of my favorites and this chapters quote is,

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world"- Gandhi 

Anyways peeps remember

Have a very rainy day-Rain

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