Jason the Toymaker

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Age: 10

Your POV 

I walked around the the street lined with stores on my way back to the orphanage, and one in particular caught my eyes it was a antique doll store called "Jason's" I walked into the store and my eyes lit up when I saw all the beautiful dolls, I reached into my little book bag and grabbed the little doll I had made the previous week. 

I clutched it to my chest tightly her name was (doll name)

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I clutched it to my chest tightly her name was (doll name). I looked around at the beautiful dolls their skin of all different colors that skin can be, One doll caught your eye it was a doll with ( hair description)hair and ( Eye description) eyes's and beautiful ( skin tone) skin she looked just like you she was in a beautiful dress ( Pick one of these)

 I looked around at the beautiful dolls their skin of all different colors that skin can be, One doll caught your eye it was a doll with ( hair description)hair and ( Eye description) eyes's and beautiful ( skin tone) skin she looked just like you...

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I loved the dress it was well made! I gently picked up the doll VERY carefully as if she could break any second she was light and her beautiful hair was very soft! I the heard someone cough slightly behind me to get my attention, I turned to see a...

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I loved the dress it was well made! I gently picked up the doll VERY carefully as if she could break any second she was light and her beautiful hair was very soft! I the heard someone cough slightly behind me to get my attention, I turned to see a very tall man with scarlet red hair and honey yellow eyes with a strange outfit and a top hat, I blushed slightly because I get nervous around people, " U-um hello sir" I muttered quietly. " Why hello little girl, what brings you to my shop?" Asked the man. My eyes opened a little wider, " W-wait y-you are Jason?!?" I asked shocked and a little amazed. He chuckled, " Why yes that would be me and I take it you like that doll huh?" He asked. " Oh u-um I just thought it was very pretty and very well made, I think it looks a little bit like me! I love dolls they are so pretty this ones porcelain is so beautiful, and the eyes are well crafted, and the dress is gorgeous. You can tell they were hand made but not in a bad way they just all have a special touch to them!!!" I rambled. He just smiled and knelled down to my level and looks at the doll that I had made last week, " Why, this is a beautiful doll, did you make this, and thank you I take great pride in my dolls they are almost a family to me, what about you do you have a family miss?" he asked me I smiled sadly " Yes sir I did make the doll, last week actually, but no, I do not have a family I live in the orphanage just down the road..." I said quietly. He frowned at my statement. " Um miss what is your name if you don't mind me asking?" He asked and I blushed realizing that I hadn't told him my name, " M-my name is (y/n), nice to meet you Mr. Jason" I said smiling slightly.

Jason's Pov 

 I can't believe such a sweet and smart girl like (y/n) doesn't have a family.... I feel like I have know her for a long time but I only just met her, she makes me feel like a person, not the monster that others see, how does this child do that, and why do I feel like I need to protect her from now on. I realize that I want to adopt her.... " (y/n) would.... Would you like to become... Part of my.. Family?" I asked hesitantly. She looked at me with wide (eye description) eyes, tears started to form in her bright eyes , before she said anything she hugged my neck tightly, " OF COURSE THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!! OH MY GOSH I HAVE A DAD!!!!!" She exclaimed. I hugged her back , tears falling from her eyes and on to my shoulder. " I love you dadda" she said quietly, I picked her up and left for the orphanage to adopt her...

The end. 

OML I LOVE THIS STORY !!!! Also the next story in eyeless Jack x child reader any way here is today quote,

"Peace cannot be kept by force: It can only be achieved by understanding" - Albert Einstein 

Anyway guys remember to have a very rainy day


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