BEN Drowned

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My elfy boi~~~ 

Age: 2 months


I was going through the enter net looking for a new victim, when I came to a middle aged man around forty, he looked like a normal drunk man you would find eating out of your trash can at night. I made his screen glitch out and the game he was playing to malfunction, I then made my signature phrase pop up on the screen in red lettering he looked scared and confused. I chuckled darkly, I then made wires spewing electricity shooting towards him. He was being electrocuted, he screamed and cried but all I did was laugh my ass of, " You sHouLdn't HAve dOne THaT.." I said my voice glitching and changing pitches every few seconds. 

Once I hid the body, I realized I had dropped my hat in the old guys house, as I entered the house and I heard crying from upstairs. I teleport upstairs  and land outside of a door, it looked like somebody had tried to punch it down and almost succeeded with it. I went through the door to find a woman lying on the floor, dead. She looked as though she had died of starvation and thirst. I then looked around the dirty room until my eyes landed on a box in the corner, it was slightly moving and whimpers were coming from it. I slowly made my way over to it and looked inside, I find a baby! I gasp in shock, they were very small, like a very unhealthy kind of small. Without thinking I grabbed the little girl, and ran downstairs and sat her down on the couch, making sure to surround the little girl with pillows.

I busted into the kitchen and rummage through the cabinet, I finally found baby formula. Once I was done fixing it into a bottle I rushed to give it to the little girl, she starts eating immediately thank god. Once she finished I burped her quickly, she then fell fast asleep on my shoulder. I then layed her down on the couch, she had (Skin description) skin, and (hair description) hair. I looked at the onesie she was wearing,

 I looked at the onesie she was wearing,

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