Hoodie and Masky

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An:Your cool new gay dads so halp me tell me someone gets the camp camp reference!!!!


Your Pov 

I sat on the roof of the abandoned house I had been staying in. I was way up in the mountains so the air was cold and crisp and stung my lungs but at the same time it felt nice. The sky was also very clear, you could see the stars clearly. I'm around such beautiful things and yet I am so upset. Yesterday Me and my older brother Mathew and my parents were hiking, but I had somehow gotten separated from the group, I found the hours later, well at least I found their body's.... An mountain lion had attacked them while I was gone.... I somehow made it to this old cabin in the middle of the forest, everything still worked. I had manage to collect what was left of everything, including my brothers bear hoodie.

 I had manage to collect what was left of everything, including my brothers bear hoodie

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My brother loved cute fluffy things, he also liked boys which is cool, I met his bf Holden

for clarification this picture is of Mathew

for clarification this picture is of Mathew

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I feel tears threaten to fall from my eyes. I wiped them away quickly and went back inside through the sun roof/window with a latter against it and made my way to the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and ate in silence. ' What am I going to do, pretty soon I'll run out of food... ' I thought. I finished eating and slowly made my way upstairs into the large bedroom  

 I finished eating and slowly made my way upstairs into the large bedroom  

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I got under the large blankets and fell asleep.

Masky pov

Once me and Hoodie finished "hunting" a family ( your family might I add )we decided  to head back to the cabin and get some rest we made our way to the cabin but I noticed small foot prints, Hoodie noticed to they led to the cabin. I grabbed the camera and my crowbar and Hoodie grabbed his gun. We made our way into the cabin and found nothing, we looked all around the cabin. The only room left was the master bedroom, both of us very quite. I saw a small lump under the covers quiet snores coming from it. Hoodie and I looked at each other and nodded. I quietly took the blanket away to show the persons face. To much to our surprise a small girl roughly 8 or 9, with (hair description) hair and (skin tone) skin, her lips slightly blue from the cold. But something was off normally I would just kill them, but this girl... No this time is different, this time I feel the need to protect her. I could tell Hoodie felt the same way. 

Hoodie POV

This was bizarre, I didn't have the urge to kill her, Masky and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement, we were going to keep her alive. I watched as Masky put away his crowbar and camera and I did the same. Afterwards he slightly shook her to wake her up. I watched as her large, tiered, (eye description) eyes opened slowly. But as soon as she saw me and Masky they were open completely, still sleep was apparent in them. " H-hey i-it's ok, w-we aren't going to hurt you." I said calmly, my annoying stutter in the way. " Yeah, we just want to help, can you tell us your name please?" Asked Masky, his voice hinted a little worry, but other wise calm. " M-my name is (y/n), who are you guys?" said her small sleepy voice, I smiled a little under my mask. " I-I'm Brian, and this is my boyfriend Tim" I said " D-do you think you could t-take off the masks??" I realized that if I was in her position I would be scared to. I took off my hood and pulled of my mask and Tim doing the same, she looked a little less tense now.  "Are you hungry (y/n)?" Tim asked her she shook her head no, but as soon as she did we heard a small growl coming from her stomach, she blushed sleep slowly leaving her eyes. I laughed a little, Tim looked at me shock on his face, 'Wait... Did I just... Laugh...' I thought shocked. Tim smiled his eyes full of joy, I smiled. I looked at (y/n) she looked confused on what was happening. " Alright come on princess" Tim said picking her up and holding her in his arms "yes Dada", my heart melted a little, when I saw the way over sized bear jacket she was wearing, before they could move I took like 60 pictures on my phone. " Welp that's going to be my new wallpaper" I muttered. " Alright then hun'bun, lets get you some cheese cake" I said. " Okay daddy" 

Masky and Hoodies POV


Ok guys hope you all liked it here is today's chapter quote:

"There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen."- Rumi

Anyways people I love ya'll and remember

Have a very rainy day


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