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Have fun kiddo's lol 

Age: 6

 Your POV

I was walking around the carnival my mom was preforming at, she was an acrobat for the circus. She never did pay much attention to me anymore ever since my dad and older brother disappeared 3 years ago. My brother always was her favorite and dad always was gone. 

I continued to look around the big carnival, lots of the rides were closed and run down, more than half of the carnival was shut down and had an eerie grey feel to it. I was looking around that side of the carnival, when I hear music coming from a ride, the glowing sign read " Candy-Pop's Fun Ride" my curiosity got the best of me. I made my way into the ride and climbed in the little cart shaped like a giant peace of candy, it started moving and I was quickly consumed by the darkness of the tunnel. all of a sudden I hear giggles coming from all around me I got very scared and held onto the sides of the cart until the ride stopped suddenly along with the laughing. I stepped out of the cart and made my way over to walk way. I tried to adjust my eyes to the dark but I couldn't. I then feel myself being lifted off the ground and the laughing coming from whoever just picked me up. The lights came of suddenly,  I twisted around to see a man with pretty long blue hair, clown make-up, and glowing pink eyes. I felt a very strong urge to play with his hair that was up in the big ponytails, "Hi Mr. Clown, my name is (y/n), whats yours?" I asked shyly, " My names Candy-Pop!!! But you can call me candy if you would like" his smile never leaving. Strangely that smiled filled me with warmth and comfort. 

Candy pop sat down and put me in his lap playing with my ( hair description) hair. Once I was finished he started giggling, " why, don't you look like a doll don't you sweet heart!!" He said giggling, I nodded and hopped up from his lap and grabbed my small back pack that I always carried, I may be young but most of the people in the circus ask me to do their hair and make-up so I always have hair and makeup with me. I took out the three huge pony tails and stood in awe at how long in was in was two times longer than my body!!! It was soft to, I grabbed my hairbrush and stated to comb it out to get out all the tangles, I then did it a very big braid.

 I took out the three huge pony tails and stood in awe at how long in was in was two times longer than my body!!! It was soft to, I grabbed my hairbrush and stated to comb it out to get out all the tangles, I then did it a very big braid

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(and these are in his braid and the braid is a LOT bigger )

 After I was done , I held up a mirror and gave him another so he could see clearly

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 After I was done , I held up a mirror and gave him another so he could see clearly. " WOW!!! This is amazing (y/n)!!!" Said Candy, I giggled until I heard a loud whistle, I froze hoping it didn't mean what I thought it meant. I looked down at the small watch on my wrist... 9:00.... I busted into a sprint not saying a word until I made it outside I watched as the train vanished out of my sight. I slid down to the ground and started crying, " T-they left m-me candy!" I said as my voice broke, I felt myself being  lifted from the ground, " (y-y/n) you could always come live with me and my friends, only if you would like of course!!" Stuttered Candy pop, I nodded slowly I clung to him full of emotions but the biggest emotion I felt was over whelming happiness.

  Candy's pov  

I held my little girl tightly in my arms. " I promise you (y/n) I will watch over you until the day I die...." I whispered, " Thanks dad.. I love you.." she whispered as she fell asleep...

Hey guys sorry it took so long I wanted to make this chapter really good, anyway the qote of this chapter is:

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow" - Albert Einstein

And remember guys, gals, and non-bianary people 

Have a very rainy day,


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