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Hey yall! So I am dedicating this chapter to my reader named @confusesatan they requested this,so please go check them out ! Here's clock-mama!

Age: 12

(Y/n) POV

I felt the warm sun obnoxiously shine in my eye, rudely waking me up from my not so peaceful sleep. But hey it's a good a sleep as you can get when you sleep in a tree in a park. My parents have been dead for about 3 years now, and I have been put in orphanages, group homes, foster homes, you name it. But after recently escaping a foster home, I found my self here, in a tree, alone. Wow. My life sucks .

I jump down out off the tree and grab my backpack full of my stuff and start walking into a random street, full of shops and restaurants. Each packed to the brim with people and family's. I look at the other children each nicely or at least fairly well dressed, then look at my clothes. A dirty (fav color) ripped tank top, and large baggy jean that hit the floor and a pair of (fav color) shoes. I scowl and dust off my jeans, "Alrighty, time to get to work" I say while cracking my fingers. See there is a reason why I wear such baggy jeans, they have huge pockets, perfect for my job as a thief. I quickly walked down the street, everyone who I passed I quickly stole what ever I could, after about 15 people I decided I was done for the day. I ran into a near by alley and sat everything down to see what I had collected. I had collected 10 wallets, each with a good amount of money inside. As well as 3 pairs of keys, I threw those behind me seeing as though I don't need them, and finally the coolest thing I have ever seen, a big hunting knife with a sharp and jagged blade, it's hilt was a beautiful worn (fav color), I quickly pocked the valuable items. I decided this alley was an okay place to sleep for the night.

Time skip

I was awoken from my slumber by the sound of drunk laughter, I peek out of my hiding spot to find a group of three men, obviously drunk off their asses. I immediately reached my hand to my knife, just as I grasped it, a large hand grabbed my arm and yanked me up, I was then slammed against the wall. When I opened my eyes, my (eye discription) eye's were met with black  beady eye's and a fat oily face. "Well look what we have here boys, a street rat with a body that's calling our na-" I cut him off by kicking him in the stomach, I used the knife the quickly slice his throat. As he fell to the ground I look to the other two men, they started to run away, but all of a sudden a woman jumped from the roof, landed, and blocked there escape path.

Clockwork's POV

I was hopping from roof-to-roof, as it was the easiest way to move around without being seen, when something caught my eye. I notice as a group of bums make there way into an alley, I don't know what came over me, but something told me to take a look at this situation. ' here we go again time to watch more drunk ass holes make a fool of them- hoLY SHIT THERE'S A KID!?!?! Oh boy this is gonna get bad if someone doesn't help her-' my thoughts were cut off when the man falls to the floor, his blood begins to pool under him, my lips curl into a cruel sadistic grin. The other men start to run away, so I decided to join this little game. I jumped down and blocked their exit and used my 2 hunting knives to stab them in their throats. I look over to the kid, they were shaking like a leaf in the wind, then again she just killed someone, witnessed someone kill someone, almost get raped, and it's freezing. I slid off my jacket, leaving me in my white tank top, I walked over to her and placed the jacket over her body and made her look me in the eyes (well eye seeing as though one is a literal clock lol). She had pretty (Eye description) eyes, and her (Hair description) hair framed her (skin tone) face nicely. The strange thing was she was still shaking and large tears were escaping her eye's, but there was a large grin on her face, "Wow you can smile after that kid? Impressive." she shook her head, "N-no this is a n-nervous habit, whenever I'm scared, or nervous, or anxious I smile, I-I can't h-help it ma'ma" She said as several sobs racked through her body. I smiled slightly, even after that whole ordeal she was still using good manners. "Hey kid how about you come stay with me for a while, you can stay as long as you like. Everyone there is gonna love you kid I promise. We can be your new family, and heck I could be your mom." I said hoping she would agree, she looked at me her teary eye's shining, then wraps her arms round my neck, "Thanks Ma, your the best" she whispered...

FINALLY DONE WITH CLOCK MOM!!! I love clockwork's story its really cool in my opinion. Anyway quote of the chapter is,

"The way I see it , it you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." -Dolly Parton

ok guys and remember

have a very rainy day-Rain

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