Chapter 5 Part 3

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"Please," Iris pleaded, "would it hurt just to check? Just to be sure?"

"It seems like a wast-" Paris started.

"...Paris?" Yumi asked with puppy dog eyes.

Paris narrowed his eyes and thought. I tugged on his sleeve which caused him to look back at me. "Come on..." I mouthed.

He let out a long sigh. "Well... It's not like I have any other leads at the moment."

"Thank you!" Iris beamed, "I really appreci-"

"Yes, yes, it's fine," Paris, quite literally, waved it off. "When should I visit your friend?" Paris asked, acting as though he was on some puppet-man period.

"Today won't work, but-"

"Tomorrow then. I want to get this over with."

"Tomorrow... Hm... Yeah," Iris agreed.

Paris sat back down with me. The room went silent.  'This... Couldn't be what I think it is... right?'

That was until Iris's phone rang.  She quickly picked it up and answered it, almost dropping it in her haste.

"Yes?  O-oh here she is."  Iris extended her arm out to me.  'Its Nora,' she mouthed.  I grabbed the phone from her and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke quieter than I meant.

"So yesterday I had asked Yumi if she had wanted to go shopping, to which she agreed.  Do you want to come with?  We're going tomorrow."  I thought for a moment.  If I was going to take a break, I was going to do so in a bed.

"Thanks, but... I don't feel up for it," I replied hesitantly.

"Are you sick?  Yumi said you didn't feel well yesterday so you stayed in bed during supper."

'Damnit! I forgot all about that!  Thank God Yumi covered for me. I need to be more careful next time.'

"I think it's just the concussion. It should be gone within a few days."

"If you're sure you don't want too, you don't have to come with.  If you need anything, call back alright?  Or tell the twins."

"Yes ma'am." She hung up and I handed the phone back to Iris.

"What did she have to say?" Paris asked.

"Huh? Oh she was just wondering if I wanted to go shopping."

"And?" Lily asked.

"What do you think I said?" I gave her a sideways glance.

"(Y/n)..." Paris said drifting off.

"What?  Did I offend you by not going shopping?" I turned to Paris as I raised an eyebrow.

"You should have went.  You need to relax some."

"And going out in public and doing something I'm not fond of helps how?" I questioned him.

"Have you even been shopping before?" Lily interjected, half joking.


"What... do you mean by 'sorta'?" Yumi asked.

"I used to go shopping with my dad..." Paris had tensed up.

"What's so bad about... shopping with your dad?" Iris asking.

I shivered remembering what he made me do when we went "shopping."

"I'd prefer to not talk about it..." I said quietly with my head down.

Paris started to rub circles on my back, to which Lily let out an "Aww".  Iris elbowed her in the ribs knowing I was upset.

Paris x Abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now