Chapter 2

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 I am so very sorry it took so long to upload. I just had so much going on  UGH. Here you go.

"Oh. It's gotten quite late. You're probably still tired. I'll leave tomorrow. Thank you for your help." My heart dropped to my feet. He'd have to go. I guess he had one thing in common with my parents. They left me alone just after I started to get attached.

I stood and started to walk back to my room. Paris followed me out and to my room. He saw that I was acting more depressed than before. "(Y/n)? Are you okay? You seem... off."

He looked concerned, but I didn't really care at this point. I wanted to scream at him. If felt like he used me, though I don't know what for. This was the only thing to come to my mind because that's all people did to me. They played with me like some toy, just discarding me when they found something better to do. 

I was stupid to think he actually cared for me. "Yeah... yeah I'm fine, just... tired." I said, hoping he wouldn't think much of it. I plopped down onto the bed and sighed. I got under the covers and turned my back to Paris.

I felt the bed shift. I looked behind me and saw Paris. He was sitting on the bed. He put a hand on my head and moved my hair out of my face. I slightly blushed. "I'll come back when I can." He smiled at me. Was he being serious? Or was he just tricking like all of the others?

I couldn't tell. Maybe he was different, or maybe he was just better at hiding it... "Alright?"

"How long will you be gone?" I decided to believe him, no one can fake the look on his face. He didn't answer me, he just looked away. "Paris?"

"...I...don't know how long I'll be gone...but, when the job is done... I won't leave again." He reassured me. He sighed, then I sighed. He laid down next to me, got under the covers, and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't help but do the same to him.

I soon went to sleep. 

When I woke, we were still like that. I looked up at Paris and smiled at him. He smiled back. "Good morning, (Y/n). Did you sleep well?"

"...Mornin'. And yeah. What about you?" It took me a moment to respond because I just woke up and had to process what he said. 

"I slept well."

"...When are you going to go?"

"I'll go after-" Yumi burst through the door.

"Paris! Paris!"

"Good morn-"

"Red shoes!" She ran up to him with tears in her eyes. She didn't even question why we were in bed together, but I'm sure she took note of it.

"Did your creator ever make a pair of red shoes!? Blood red, with long red ribbons!? Because if he did... My friend is gonna die!"

He sat up and started to think. "Red shoes?" he mumbled. "...Ah. Yes he did."

"Who had the shoes?" I asked Yumi.

"L-lily. She had the shoes."

"We need to go. Now." I sat up and jumped off of the bed. "Yumi, go ask Nora if we can go and ride our bikes to their house, and chill for me, no one's going to die."

"O-okay." Yumi ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Alright Paris, you need to turn into your puppet form."

"Why, what are we doing?" He asked me.

"We're going to Lily's, of course." I said as I put on my (F/c) jacket. Paris turned into his other form and I picked him up. "Off to save Lily." I said as I closed the bedroom door. Paris scoffed at me.

Paris x Abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now