Chapter 4 part 2

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I am so, so sorry. I am very aware that this is late. For those who don't know,I try to update every other Saturday. For me, today is Tuesday. Please correct any errors I made. Today's chapter is longer than the usual 1500 words by 1000 words. Please enjoy

I heard a splash behind me and turned around. I didn't see Paris anymore. I started choking on air. 'W-where did he...?'

Paris pushed himself out of the sewage. He was on his hands and knees searching for something.

"What is-" I started as I took a step towards him.

Then the soldier appeared of the sewage. He was all mangled. I jumped back and, of course, slipped. With a splash, I landed in the sewage. When I looked up, Paris' sclera (white part of his eyes) went black.

"You...r... fau... you... did... you did th-" The soldier was cut off when Paris dug his nails into the soldiers face. Paris stood, and so did I.

"I was so looking forward... to crushing you to bits, you know. But it looks like someone beat me to the punch." Paris took out his knife and stood up still holding the toy by his head. "So, my wretched dear, care to explain?"

The toy started rambling on about this was Paris' fault. "My fault-?" Paris asked when the soldier started. I am getting tired of this.

"Mind if I?" I said as I motioned to the soldier. I grabbed the soldier by its neck and Paris released it. I pushed it into the wall with enough force to crack the back of it's head. "If you want to live, I suggest you shut it. Now. I'm not in the mood to hear you fussing." My voice was filled with poison.

Paris walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "My friend here has a low amount of tolerance for pricks like yourself. You don't want to see her mad. While I can see your, ah... reluctance to cooperate... I'm willing to give you one more try, with one more question." 

Paris leaned in close to the soldier and muttered, "And if you answer nicely... I'll consider just throwing you into a box instead of crushing you to a porcelain pulp." He backed up some and with a sinister smile asked, "Sound fair?"

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