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"My heer?" A lilim approaches me with a baby in her arms. (My lord?)

"Wat is hierdie?" (What is this?)

"Toe ons seks gehad het, het u beskerming geweet. Hierdie baba meisie is joune, ek het haar Zarianna genoem. Ek wil hê dat jy haar moet hê of ek wil hê jy moet haar iewers veilig kry. Ek wil nie hê sy moet sien wat aangaan nie hier. Sy verdien dit nie." he takes the baby from her.

(When we last had sex you forgot protection. This baby girl is yours I want you to have her. Or I would like you to take her somewhere safe. I don't want her to see what goes on here. She doesn't deserve it.)

"Gaan moord op 'n verdomde siel." (Go torture some damned soul.)

Lucifer took the child to a hell cell in which he turned into a bedroom. Unsure of what to do he holds the baby close, rocking her back and forth. Still, she keeps crying. Frustrated, he decides to try using his love for music. He shifts her to one hand and with the other, approaches the piano and starts playing a soft tune. Zara quiets immediately. He feels her wings come out of her back and he holds her on his shoulder they flutter. He plays until he thinks she is asleep, then stops. However, as soon as he does she starts fussing again. He sighs. This was going to be a long night.

The next day he planned to take it to Earth but something in him changed. He felt warm and not because it's hot in Hell. And when he went to leave he couldn't so he kept Zara and swore to protect her with his life.

☆☆5 years later☆☆

"Daddy?" Zarianna asks as they cuddle in Lucifer's throne.

"Yes, my little devil?"

"It's too hot. Can we go outside, please?"

"Sure my little devil." he takes her to the Gardens of Eden.

"Finally somewhere chilly. Not by much but still not scorching hot.? What is this place exactly?"

"This is The Gardens of Eden."

"Ah! What is that?"

"It's alright my little devil." He catches the mysterious but gorgeous thing in his hand,

"Well don't hurt it, daddy. It only spooked me it doesn't deserve to be punished and sent to Hell."

"Zarianna, baby, I didn't hurt it. I would never punish an innocent butterfly." He shows me the unharmed Butterfly,

"What color is it?"

"This is lavender or in other words light purple. Daddy's wearing a violet, dark purple vest." He shows me the inside of his suit.

"It's so pretty. Just like you." He lets it fly away and I felt the desire to go after and as daddy always says 'The best thing to do is always to follow your greatest desire.' so I did. Until I ran into something or someone.

"You will ruin his plan if you stay alive." I'm not quite sure how the next thing happened. I overlapped my wrist and hooked my thumbs together, my pointer and middle fingers pointing out, pinky and ring fingers bent. And when this lady tried to attack me a lavender force field forced her far away from me.

"ZARA!! Zara are you ok?" He touches me and it shocks him actually hurting him as if he were mortal.

"Oh my lord! Daddy I-"

"It's okay baby-" he goes to touch me again,

"NOO!! Don't touch me, please. I don't want to kill you."

"Hey, my little devil."

"Don't call me that. The devil doesn't hurt people they love."


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