👿Sewe en Dertig👿

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"Where do you live?" Trixie asks,

"Here with my daddy."

"Where are you from?"

"Heaven. Then raised in Hell then came here to get Lucifer out."

"Keep the commentary to yourself."

"Oooh someone's sassy this evening."

"Ever been in a serious relationship?"



"Nope, don't need to."

"Well, that's kinda cool. What's your favorite color?"

"Lavender. Yours?"

"I said this was one ended."

"Would you excuse me while I do something less mind-numbingly boring like color sort my suits?" he walks away,

"Purple goes first." I call,

"Yes, I know my sweet baby girl."

"Are you the kind of family Lucifer needs right now?" Trix asks,

"If i'm completely honest I don't know but I hope so and I will say its better than no one, he's my everything, I would die for him if I had to." The elevator rings, Pony Boy and another man enters,

"Oh my---Daddy!" I hide Trixie behind me,

"I didn't like there'd be a child with you, but...can't have any witnesses." He goes to shoot when daddy smashes through a glass window of his bedroom,

"Trix, let's go! Let's go!" I take her out and onto the roof. Gunshots were heard then a grunt.

"What are you?" Pony Boy asks,

"A protector that just so happens to also be the Devil." My wings sprout and then we hear bones cracking.

"Tiernan sent you, didn't he?"

"Yeah." The elevator rings,

"Where is she?" Dan panics, "Where's Trixie?"

"She's safe. She's out there with Butterfly probably on the roof." Chloe and Dan come out here,

"Mommy! Daddy!"

"Trix wait." I catch her before she deliberately jumps off the roof. I wrap my arms around her and jump down. She runs into their arms,


"Monkey, you're okay. I love you, honey." Chloe says,


"I hope you know I'd do absolutely anything to protect Trixie."

"I know. And I also know what you're thinking of doing to Tiernan especially now that he's threatened your family."

"And you, Detective. Don't you want to punish him? He almost killed your child as well."

"Yes. I do, yeah. But I'm gonna do it by following the rules because I believe in right and wrong and deep down I think that you do too. You're the Devil, but you're also an angel."

"I'm not sure that I am an angel anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"After I killed Kaine when my Devil face returned...I never checked to see if my wings were still there. I still haven't. Afraid they're gone. For good reason."

"Well, you know, I think you should look. Maybe you'll be surprised at what you find."

"The police are done." Butterfly tells them. Chloe thanks Butterfly with a hug,

"Of course." She leaves, "Are you okay?"

"I know this won't make you happy but ...this is important to me. He tried to have you killed."

"I'm not happy. But I understand. At least I know why." he walks away, "You know I only want us...you to be happy." He smiles a smidge then walks away.


"Have you heard from Pony Boy?" Jacob asks his security guard,

"Not yet."

"It's time to get to the jet. Leave town for a while." Jacob gets up as his guard walks out.

Crashing of objects was heard, "What the hell was that?!" Lucifer walks in,

"Hello, again Tiernan. I told you this wasn't over." Lucifer says, knocking over chairs, "Finally. It's time for you to receive the punishment that you deserve." His eyes turn orange.


"Let's go get him." Chloe says turning to see that Lucifer already brought him in.

"Flanders. I believe you're looking for this man." he looks at Chloe before handing him off, "I happened to be walking past Tiernan's office, and I overheard him saying something about leaving town. As a concerned citizen, I felt it was my civic duty to bring him in...so he can properly face the punishment he deserves."

"Why'd you do it?"

"Something made me realize I might've gone a bit too far recently. Hopefully, it's not too late." He walks away,

"You looked. You looked didn't you?...At your wings."

"I did."

"You did the right thing, Sammy. It's never too late for that." He walks away,


"Hey, baby Butterfly?" Lucifer calls entering the penthouse.

"Yes, daddy?"

"Do you mind if Daddy. Spends the night at his other home tonight?"

"No, why?"

"I don't know I just...feel like I need a little bit of space."

"Oh, ok. Yeah sure of course."

"Thank you." He kisses her head then her lips, "I'll see you in the morning." he leaves and texts Linda in the elevator.


The door's open.


"Lucifer?" Linda calls, "Lucifer? I came over as soon as I got your text. It's late. Is everything okay?"

"You have to help me, doctor. I don't want to be a monster."

"What's wrong?"

"It's my wings. I hadn't checked them since my Devil face returned. I was afraid they might have gone. I was afraid what that might mean. What that might say about me. But earlier this evening I looked."


"They're still there."

"That's good. Isn't it?" he stands up,

"I saw them. It was bad. Very very bad. It was really bad. I thought I could fix it so I, I didn't hurt him. I stopped myself. So I don't understand why. Why?!"

"Why what?"

"Why are they still like this?" He releases his Devil wings, "I'm terrified."

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