Prologue RIP Anastasia Covington

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Arthurs POV:

"We gather here today, to commemorate and celebrate the death of Anastasia Covington. "She was a woman of grace and kindness, a good wife and mother. And whom unfortunately has been touched by death by childbirth, to Philomena daughter.

But let this not cause such pain and suffering, but see as a time of her passing, may Almighty God have mercy on her soul as she sleeps until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen." said Reverend Peter.

Indeed, Anastasia was a good woman, so they say. Her heart was tender as a dove and as precious as gold, she was beautiful and wise she seemed until she was struck deaths arrow 2 days after giving birth to dear Philomena.

Everyone was present at her funeral outside the Local church her husband (who was now a widower) her 6-year-old son Ernest and her 2 days new-born Philomena, as well as the closest friends and servant, had arrived to watch dear Anastasia leave earth as they saw her from when she came from the ground of this Earth through her parents so shall she return and soul stays in peace.

The ground had been dug up and Anastasia coffin lowered down, mourners began to weep and all sung hymns, melancholy had rested in their hearts filled with despair and sadness. Their souls were still full of hope and joy, as they watch their dear friend buried in peace yet, little did they know that she was now in Joy in Paradise everyone had wished to be filled with content.

"Papa where will mother go?" asked Ernest as his face was stained, with tears his mind was confused, and heart was shattered and torn apart. "Your mother will go to heaven up there" as he points to the sky "she is there now waiting for us to come and join her" he replied Arthur assuring his son that Anastasia in a better place.

"Do you miss her Papa"? asked Ernest. Arthur looked down from the infinite blue sky from where he hoped to take a glimpse of his wife he was hesitant to answer for thinking about Anastasia from her shiny brown hair to her angel-carved smile made his heartache more dreadfully he closed his eyes and muttered

"Yes, I do miss your mother no woman would replace her". Ernest took hold of his father's hand looking at his shiny eyes as if his days of grief had already dawned he smiles at his son as They both stare at the shiny gravestone that was engraved with characters "Here lies Anastasia Covington March 19th1800 -August 5th, 1832 REST IN PEACE"

After the long funeral, the family and servants returned from once was a delightful blissful home to a silent house that would have made one says "Oh how grim hath turned our COVINGTON HOME to a COVINGTON HALL" despite Anastasia 's departure the home was so, very grim and dull from the dark brown wood frames and beams to the ancient worn-out carpet not to mention the uneven stone floor yet it was home when Anastasia was there.

Anthony stared at the long stairwell take one step at a time remembering and meditating the memories of being in the presence of his wife as they both climbed the creaking stairs at there wedding night with their hands clutching tight not wishing to be apart but also clasping in passion.

A Few years later

"But Arthur you must marry think of the children" recommended his mother as she sat at the end of Arthurs desk looking at her tall son as he looked at through the window.

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